EaW is still my bitch... mostly

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published November 17, 2006
So I finally set up my Gamer account in XP. I have a separate user account that I use to play games, because my main account loads up a whole bunch of apps and utilities that I simply don't need hogging up my memory while I'm playing a game. I also disable all wallpapers and strip the XP theme. Bare bones, baby. Bare bones.

So I loaded up Empire at War - I put both install discs into my two drives to see if the install program would detect the second disc and not ask me for it. It didn't which is kind of disappointing and is a feature that should be included in installers IMO, tho not everyone has 2 disc drives it has become more prevalent of late. Still I just had to point the installer to the second drive, and not have to actually change out a disc. Meh, same difference I guess.

It's been over a month since I've played EaW, and I was hoping to see some radical changes in the ladder now that they had released Forces of Corruption, but it was all pretty much the same, though it does look like they cleaned up all the bastards with multiple accounts giving themselves hundreds of wins. I patched to v1.5 and hopped online, expecting to be mutilated due to my lack of practice.

However tonight must have been n00b nite, either that or all the good players have upgraded to FoC. I blasted all 5 of my opponents without any real trouble. The closest I came to losing was a TIE Bomber rush early in the game, but I countered in time. I checked all their records and they all have a ton of losses to their names already, so although I got some low picks, at least it was a good way to come back to the game. Snag myself another 5-win streak medal. I even managed to improve my ladder ranking a good 40 or so points. now I'm ranked 301st. not too shabby. Maybe I'll stick with EaW for a while more before upgrading to FoC and start battling the big boys again.
Previous Entry 03 checks out!
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