First test drive tomorrow

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published November 16, 2006
So I called up both owners of the 350Zs that I had found last nite and both cars are still up for sale - whoo hoo! Tomorrow I'm heading over to check out the 03, and Saturday I'm heading out to look at the 04. I definetly have my eye on the 04 but the 03 is certainly a decent fall-back car. So I'll update tomorrow with news on the 03!

Oh and I'm prob going to go out later to visit my friend Sash who's camping out tonight to get a PS3 tomorrow. Tho his chances are pretty slim seeing as how ppl have been camped out since freakin Monday, holy crap. So I'll have to take pics and post em [smile]


Looks like Sash will be camped out by his lonesome at a local K-Mart that supposedly isn't getting any PS3s. Maybe. They may get like... one. But hey, that's honestly his best shot right now considering the fact that all the lines now have more ppl in them then the stores will have units to sell, and people in the big lines are just getting shot at, robbed, beat up, beat up some more, and kicked out. So yea, maybe he is the smart one. Or still, maybe not. I'm gonna go hang out and keep him company for a bit. We'll find out tomorrow if he makes off with a prize.
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If you do go for that 2004 over the 2003 I would really take it for a thoughough test drive. I know they look cool but 19" on a 350Z is a really stiff and bumpy right, my buddy had them and moved down to 18"s but he didn't want to go lower (not this is most likely his rim/tire selection and not due to the size). All depends on how you like the ride though, I keep 18"s on my Envoy Denali because of the ride, I hate feeling bumps and with the 20"s you could actually feel little jolts.
November 16, 2006 09:25 PM
If you do go for that 2004 over the 2003 I would really take it for a thoughough test drive. I know they look cool but 19" on a 350Z is a really stiff and bumpy right, my buddy had them and moved down to 18"s but he didn't want to go lower (not this is most likely his rim/tire selection and not due to the size). All depends on how you like the ride though, I keep 18"s on my Envoy Denali because of the ride, I hate feeling bumps and with the 20"s you could actually feel little jolts.

EDIT: wtf wierd my post deleted.. good thing I copy/paste before hitting enter :)
November 16, 2006 09:27 PM
Awesome to see another Z lover out there! I personally own 94 TT 300ZX which I love and wouldn't trade for the world, but I'm not personally a huge fan of the 350Z ( not to mention I've invested ( err... wasted? ) way to much money updgrading/modding! ).

Nonetheless, I hope it all works out for you tomorrow and you get to sport your new ride over the weekend!

November 16, 2006 10:59 PM
Thx guys. Don't worry I'm not driving out there just to see em in person without takin them out for a spin [smile]
November 17, 2006 01:00 AM
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