Published April 09, 2006
Ha ha! I'm giving dwarfsoft a run for his money in the "lack of journal" department. [grin]

So what's been going on? Well, I've been playing WoW, but not really as much as I had initially feared I would. There are quite a few RL things distracting me right now, nothing too serious but a lot of things that are just time consuming, and I haven't really been able to do much of anything. I guess I just lack EDI's iron will, when you get right down to it. I could shove a lot of these things aside and just "git 'r done" (Larry the Cable Guy is a fat idiot) but I lack that insane drive.

Oh, and also, when it comes to totally kicking the crap out of any and all productivity, and disrupting the smooth sailing of a guy's life, absolutely nothing matches the sheer destructive power of women.

That is all.

Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things, I've got lots of ideas. I'm just boiling over with them, like a newly burst spider egg sac in my brain has unleashed it's writhing, riotous horde.
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You've still got your christmas avatar, you noob.

I'm in Australia. You're not! :P
April 10, 2006 01:04 AM
Lies! I know you're really lying in a gutter somewhere in Leeds, you're just trying to make me think you're in Australia so I'll be jealous. Well I'm not. Jealous, that is. That you're in Australia. You bastard.

April 10, 2006 01:59 AM
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