A blog of a web developer learning Unity and creating a VR application. Help me stay accountable and maybe discover something new!
Welcome back to another exciting day of Unity development at day 20! Can you believe it? We’re 1/5 of the way to 100 days! I’m hoping that the momentum will keep me going forward until I ship something!
Now looking back at day 19, we created a health system that we can now use, however we en…
In the current state of our game, we can defeat the enemy, however we can never lose.
Today in Day 19, we’re going to start working on the code to fix this.
The first step is that we’re going to create health and a health bar for our player so that we can receive damage and know when we’…
Today in Day 18, we’re going to start adding UI components into our game!
2 days ago, on Day 16, we created a reload system and just yesterday we started shooting lasers at enemies, now would be the perfect time to create a reload system and some UI to display our reload.
While we’re at …
Today in Day 18, we’re going to start adding UI components into our game!
2 days ago, on Day 16, we created a reload system and just yesterday we started shooting lasers at enemies, now would be the perfect time to create a reload system and some UI to display our reload.
While we’re at …
Welcome back to day 17 of our Unity development. Previously, we switched out our cube gun with a real gun model.
Today, we’re going to look at how to make a gun shoot in Unity.
Originally our code sends a raycast directly from our camera, however I’ve learned from Read more in From Zero To VR
We’re back in Day 14. I finally solved the pesky problem from Day 13 where the Knight refuses to get pushed back when we shoot at him.
Afterwards, I decided to get some sound effects to make the game a little livelier.
Without delay, let’s get started!
Adding Player Hit Effects Part…Welcome back to day 13 of the 100 days of VR! Last time we created enemy motions that used the Nav Mesh Agent to help us move our enemy Knight.
We added a trigger collider to help start the attack animations when the enemy got close to the player.
Finally, we added a mesh collider to the…
Here we are at Day 12 of the 100 days of VR. Yesterday, we looked at the power of rig models and Unity’s mecanim system (which I should have learned but ignored in the Survival Shooter tutorial…)
Today, we’re going to continue off after creating our animator controller.
We’re going to cr…