A Simple Format to Archive Design Decisions

Published February 03, 2019 by David Bailly, posted by FishingCactus
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Before starting production on Nanotale, we took some time to prototype various typing gameplay ideas. When prototyping, you have to focus on the things you want to test, and iterate on them as fast as possible. There is no time to document everything. But the prototypes do not always speak by themselves. (Sometimes there is no playable build to keep, like the time I tested interactive dialogs by acting as the NPC and talking through Slack with a colleague. We will get back to that.) So we needed a way to archive what we learned from each iteration, in a format that would be quick to write and read.


The Problem

This is a common problem of design documentation. How to keep an account of the decisions that led to a design as it is? It is interesting to keep a trace of previous iterations, to look back at the evolution of a design. But more importantly, it is a waste of time if another designer (or your forgetful self) makes changes that recreate a problem that has already been solved, just because they have no knowledge of the history behind that decision.

For all those reasons, I was looking for a practical way to link each feature to the decision path that led to it. It needed to be quick to write and to read because if we have to go back and read multiple paragraphs of history, we all know no one will do it. Surely, someone already came up with a solution, right?


A Solution

Sadly, I could not find anything related to game design. The results I found were tools to keep track of programming design decisions in code, as it seems programmers need a similar solution for similar reasons. Eventually, I found a research paper about an experimental tool made to present design decision-making in a simple way. It gathers “decision elements” from different sources (code annotations, designers’ UML diagrams…) and organizes them visually in a hierarchy, like bullet points. If you want to know more about the technical details of their tool, it is called “DecDoc: A Tool for Documenting Design Decisions Collaboratively and Incrementally” (Hesse, Tom-Michael & Kuehlwein, Arthur & Roehm, Tobias 30-37. 10.1109/MARCH.2016.9)

I took inspiration from their bullet points presentation. It is brief, the icons convey a meaning that does not have to go through text. When taking notes, only a few words are necessary. It is great for what we want. Here is a made up example of what it can look like for game design:

  •  ☝️ We need X to give game experience Y
    •  ✔️ There are no other games doing X
    •  ⚠️ An aspect of X can be too costly
      • ? can be limited to a few occurrences
      • ? We can try the different way Z instead
      • ⇒ Give Z a test to decide
    •   How does this affect W?

And here is a real example form the prototype of the dialogue system I was alluding to in the introduction. To give a bit of context, it was a test for a typing based branching dialog. Typing highlighted keywords would make the conversation go forward on the topic of the chosen keyword. The playtest challenged the idea of having secret keywords the player could type by himself, that they would have learned from another NPC.



Our Version

We took a few generic icon types from the original source and added others as they were needed. Here is the full list of the icons we have:


☝️ Postulate

Let's admit that…


? Assessment

We already know that…



Uncertainty to be resolved or define


? Problem

This is / creates a problem / inconsistency


⚠️ Risk

This seems risky and may not be fun/doable


? Flag

This problem will probably come up later on


⊕ Intention

The motive behind a decision or design



A good thing that can be developed


? Solution

Proposition of a solution


? Idea

Proposition of an additional feature


✔️ Argument for

Argument in favor of


 Argument against

Argument against


✏️ Note

Additional information



Final decision of what we are doing

All the icons are basic Unicode emojis and not images to gain time and ensure full compatibility. The bullet point notes of each prototype where copy pasted into Slack for the whole studio, and you can now see an example in this article, without extra work. They can also all be drawn quickly, at least in broad strokes, to be used when taking notes with pen and paper.


Extended Use

When we entered into production and decided to use a wiki as our design document, we ported the icon system to it. The wiki tool that is made to convert => into ⇒ was modified to also change :idea: into ?. Here is another example, taken from the wiki page about the consumption of “mana” to cast spells.


We ended up using those icons to add quick “work in progress” notes in our design documents. The most common is the idea icon (?), used whenever we want to add an idea to an existing page for later review. The couple problem (?) - solution (? ) identifies problems and solutions to evaluate whenever we can take the time to redesign the feature. The intention icon (⊕) has been added later, specifically for the wiki, to justify the purpose of a feature.

Game design documents are in a constant work in progress state, evolving during development. They are often out-of-date from the latest changes if you do not have someone dedicated to that (which, on our small team, we don’t). The tool and format we use to write them should support that. With our system, whenever we see a bullet point with an icon, we know that the information is still part of an ongoing discussion. Other team members can trust what is written because what is unknown or unsure is also documented. The design process is transparent in the documents.


In the future, that system will evolve a bit like a new language. On one hand by adding the icons we need, and in the other hand by removing the ones that are not used to avoid cluttering. The list as it is now is probably a bit too long. Now that I have told you everything, I would love to know if that system can be useful to others, or if other solutions exist.

Thank you for reading. 

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Thanks for sharing, seems like a good approach, and very easy to work with! :)

Have you also read Daniel Cook's description of "Game Design Logs"?

February 03, 2019 12:13 PM

I like to use Freemind for such stuff. It has the advantage that is dynamic so nodes can be folded/unfolded to keep the information clear. If something new comes around for a specific topic you can just add a child node for this specific topic node to add detail information (for example problems, thoughts, decisions and more). Detail info is then folded away to not clutter the main information. If somebody comes around he can look at the child nodes to see if there is something important. I also attach icons to the nodes if they are of specific importance. Last but not least you can link nodes. Allows to create node groups about a specific topic leading straight to the actual text nodes with the in-detail explanations. I've seen no better tool so far to organize simple to complex project information without turning into a clutter-festival.

February 03, 2019 07:29 PM

@jbadams No, I didn't. Thank you very much for sharing. 

@RPTD That's another way to do it. Doesn't it become too messy at some point using a mindmap? 

February 04, 2019 09:45 AM
8 hours ago, FishingCactus said:

@jbadams No, I didn't. Thank you very much for sharing. 

@RPTD That's another way to do it. Doesn't it become too messy at some point using a mindmap? 

Personally I don't think so. It depends on how you organize it.

The strength of Freemind is that you can keep all the detail stuff collapsed until you really need it. So if new info comes by you can really attach it to the place where it belongs (adding detail info). It's there while not cluttering which I find a great help.

Furthermore the linking helps a lot to keep information tidy while finding it which I find very difficult with linear design docs. It does not matter where somebody thinks a certain detail info is attached to best (often more than one place) because at the other places you can just add a link to it. In my case for example I use to have detail info on character abilities underneath the character. If there is for example a scene/task/plot-point where I want to focus on such an ability I can plop in a node pointing to the root node describing the ability in detail. So if somebody comes by this scene/task/plot-point and sees this link and wants to read the additional info (or add important info himself) he can just straight jump to it without needing to know where the info is located nor having debates about where it should be.

I think important with Freemind and Co. is also to have a "links" node which contains child nodes linking to important places. This way you can keep the majority of nodes collapsed, keep the important parts visible, and still quickly locate and update the info you need.

As with all tools people need to apply a certain level of discipline. For example to not make more than 10-20 child nodes and grouping them if they get too numerous. If used the right way I think it's a great help especially in contrary to linear design documents.

February 04, 2019 06:41 PM

Thank you!

November 22, 2021 06:21 PM

Thank you for this tutorial, I like your ideas for similar designs. It's great that all this knowledge can be studied and applied in practice, which is what I plan to do. But for now, I'm puzzled by a slightly different issue. I need to prepare a research paper, and I'm looking for ways to simplify this. I find more info about writing services and this helped me choose the right company.

November 24, 2021 08:51 AM
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How we keep an archive of decision-making within the design documentation with the help of a few simple icons.


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