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It’s still a problem understanding such a complex approach in materials like POM and we’ll try to deeply understand how to use POM and as short as possible. Also we’re going to explain what each node does and why we use each one of them.
Let’s start with what materials are in Unreal Engine? Materia…

Continued from the previous video, this explores the more advanced features of c++ code variables exposed to blueprint/editor. This covers some meta specifiers, categories, etc. And how to use the engines source code to quickly find examples on more advanced features.
0:00 Meta Keyword
0:14 Display N…
Step into a realm where every footstep resonates, every whisper enchants, and every explosion leaves a lasting impression. As a seasoned freelance sound designer specializing in the game industry and visual productions, I am dedicated to crafting auditory experiences that transcend the ordinary and…
Hi! I am a Sound Designer and Musician, with background in creating custom effects, programming, and creating audio systems for the game industry. Committed to delivering exceptional audio experiences that enhance gameplay and captivate players. Game title releases: "Halloween match made in terror"…
Since it is certainly possible to animate a pawn walking around, you have a problem with some random mistake you made, not with insufficient knowledge of “implementing AI into UE C++ games”. This means that you need a debugging effort, not a learning effort.
As a debugging strategy, bisection should…
You probably won't get “anything better than a spline base approach". I put that in quotes because there is going to be tradeoffs in any approach you take. A snake general shape when bending can be approximated closely with splines( piece-wise or complete). You can optimize one more level by approx…

Fanatical and Arcade Origins present the "ULTIMATE SFX & MUSIC BUNDLE" :
100% ROYALTY FREE | $15 | -99% OFF | 50 Music packs | 550 tracks | 24 hours of music
Get your bundle here :
Score your games and projects !!!
Epic, Cinematic, A…
@hplus0603 I was just hoping my Google skills were subpar haha. Good to know though, thanks.

A conversion guide from Blueprint to C++ and vice versa. Most every BP feature demonstrated in C++ code instead.
I wanted to create a broad and comprehensive overview of using C++ and BP in the unreal engine. I'll explore these topics in much more depth in later videos.
But this video should be enoug…

How to make a new C++ actor and use it in blueprint!
Some Dos-and-Don'ts of creating Unreal C++ classes that can be used in the editor and blueprint.
Basic Unreal Header Tool Introduction and how to properly mark up your classes to be used with the Engine.
Unfortunately this video was recorded …

How to set up some commonly used AAA tools for C++ programmers who make games in Unreal!
(Scroll down for video)
Once you get into the industry, you will find that there are some common work flows and tools used among AAA developers at various studios. I go over some of these tools and how to set the…

A lot of Unreal Engine developers are afraid to learn C++. Mainly because most people online are saying that it's a hard-to-learn language. Which is not true. Second, a lot of people talk about how "normal" C++ is different from C++ used in Unreal Engine. So we made a post comparing the raw C++ use…

Epic Games today announced a first look at Unreal Engine 5. One of Epic’s goals in this next generation is to achieve photorealism on par with movie CG and real life, and put it within practical reach of development teams of all sizes through highly productive tools and content libraries.
The reveal…