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@supervga You're not wrong. Just trying to provide a minimal starting example so the OP has a basic idea.
On another note, this is usually why you scale things such as animation or user controlled (non-physical) motion based on the delta time difference, to avoid such inconsistencies (sometimes clam…
Often there is also an “event bus”, basically a broadcast system. Basically any system or object can register a callback for an event, and when the event happens the callback is launched immediately.
An “event queue” is similar, often per task or per process. Then can be on a per-listener bas…
noodleBowl said:
In the example you provided you lerped between previous position and current position, I assume I would need to lerp / interpolation for things like rotation as well right?
Yes, you would interpolate between rotation, and scale when talking about transforms as well. Also there are lo…

If you are familiar with my previous post (which was over a lifetime ago) when I shared a few insights on what makes the hyper-casuals click, you’d remember how I fantasized about something called Gratification in almost every paragraph. It’s not a bad thing to fantasize ab…
d h k said:
Maybe I could also sleep for, say, half the frame time
That puts you right back at the mercy of the OS task scheduler, which was part of the problem to begin with. The default scheduler in Windows is about a full frame in duration. Any sleep at all, even those based on higher resolution …