Latest constrained-motion Activity
Dirk Gregorius said:
SPRING_ZETA = 0.0; → This does not make any sense
Okay so my assumption is wrong that the box would oscillate forever if zeta is 0. I was trying to use that as a way to verify the correctness of the solver. It is behaving correctly though if I compare zeta to 1. When zeta is less…
@Dirk Gregorius @Aressera Thank you for the help that all makes sense. I was also reading Allen Chou's Contact Constraints article and he touches on this topic.
He says “You might notice that this clamping method is not perfect. We can end up with clamping the magnitude of total tangential imp…
Okay I think I understand what your saying. The dV' I solve for is the change in velocity of the contact point which is linear. It's an instantaneous velocity. But, when I apply the forces to the body that contact point doesn't have a linear trajectory since I'm applying a torque.
muleax said:
This e…
There is a lot of literature about this problem, look into ‘penalty methods’ or if you do not need reltime, you could also try brute force method.