Unreal Engine Featured Content for January 2020

Published January 07, 2020

The free Unreal Engine Marketplace content for January 2020 has been announced:

January’s featured free content:

[SCANS] Abandoned Factory Buildings - Day/Night Scene | Scans Factory

Build out gritty environments with optimized photogrammetry assets and put the finishing touches on your scene with worn bricks, pipes, pallets and more!

Action RPG Inventory System | Vanguard Interactive

Store and manage items with ease using the multiplayer-ready Action RPG Inventory System.

Dark Forest | Dave Berg

Entangle players in a haunted forest littered with overgrown dead trees, with bonus modular blocks for a house and props to add deeper layers to your ominous scenes.

Pick Up Plus Inspect | HeadsAndBrains

Supporting multiple points of view and VR, quickly implement interactions with simulated and static objects, while easily configuring associated animations.

Smooth Sync | Noble Whale Studios

Smoothly sync transformations across the network, using customizable interpolation and extrapolation.

New permanently free content:

Vehicle Variety Pack | Switchboard Studios

Take the wheel with these five game-ready vehicles, full interiors included!

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