
Guaranteed delivery?

Started by June 05, 2002 03:48 PM
6 comments, last by d000hg 22 years, 7 months ago
DPlay gives the option on whether to insist that a packet has guaranteed delivery. Although this is ideally what is wanted, apparently it''s a big performance hit. Can you tell me how feasible it is to use this method, what kind of hit it causes and whether I''m going to need it in my simple racing game (only 4-6 keys per player but as many players in a game as possible ie >20 hopefully >50) Thanks
Guarenteed packets take up to four times the time to get to their destination as non guarenteed ones.

If it''s a racing game, you shouldn''t use guarenteed packets unless it''s over a LAN. But even then, racing games need fast reaction times so you''d be better off getting non guarenteed packets going.

Ben [ The Rabbit Hole | The Labyrinth | Programming | Gang Wars | The Wall | Hosting]
Assuming its a fast racing game, you''ll be sending updates all the time, so guaranteed packets are a definite no-no as by the time an update gets to the server and to all the players it will be out of date with a new packet running quickly behind it. Basically for fast paced games spew out unreliable packets like theres no tomorrow
Why are guaranteed packets so slow? I''m writing a chat app so performance isn''t crucial, but I wonder why there''s such peformance hit.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
Non guarenteed packet

Source -> destination

Guarenteed packet

Source -> destination
desintiation -> source

Guarenteed packets have extra info in the header to verify integrity. So the packet bounces around a couple times making sure everything is good.

Ben [ The Rabbit Hole | The Labyrinth | Programming | Gang Wars | The Wall | Hosting]
Thanks, I see.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
To clarify, reliable delivery (both TCP and DPlay) use whats called ''Sliding Window''. It basically comes down to the network will only send up to a certain number of packets until it receives an acknowledgement that packets were received. ie.
Sliding window of 7:
Server send packets 1-7 then waits
Client receives 1-5 then sends an acknowledgement packet to say "The last packet i received was packet 5" then the client receives 6-7
Server receives the clients acknowledgement and slides it''s window up to packet 6, now it has another 5 slots in it''s window so it sends 8-12. etc.
So the greater the ping time/latency between server/client, the slower tcp (or DPlay) will seem to go, as it has to wait for the acknowledgement to continue sending data. If you are on a very very fast connection (LAN) it is possible you can receive acknowledgements fast enough that you are never waiting for an acknowledgement and the data is fast and constant....but that don''t work over the internet
There are also other issues like timeouts for retransmitting packets (if the server doesn''t receive an acknowledgement within a certain time it will resend the window again, added time = timeout + waiting for another acknowledgement) and the slow start algorithm for heavy network loads.
Sliding windows can fill your entire bandwidth without being stuck waiting assuming that the window is big enough and the network isn''t dropping packets. There''s nothing inherent that requires you to be stalled.

The overhead for having a reliable protocol is usually a very small percentage of your bandwidth (assuming your packets aren''t tiny to begin with).

The reason for choosing unreliable over reliable for things like position updates is not because reliable is slow, it''s because if you drop a packet you don''t care - the next one will give you the info you need anyway. A reliable protocol will make sure you get that info whether you still need it or not.


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