
DirectX Wrappers?

Started by March 14, 2000 03:31 PM
1 comment, last by Lumin 24 years, 9 months ago
Hi. Im trying to find a easy way to learn DirectX 7 in VC++ and I heard about somthing called DirectX wrapper and that they do most of the job for you (well you still have to code the game don''t you ?) And I wonder if anyone here knows about a good and free wrapper with lots of exampels (im so tierd of reading books righ now) Thanks. -Lumin
If the goal is to learn DirectX, then you probably don''t want to use a wrapper, other than to perhaps look at the code used in it. The whole point of a wrapper is to hide the details of the API, so using a DX wrapper will help you make a game faster, but you won''t learn much DirectX along the way.

That said, their are links to several wrappers in our Resources section (check the main page for a link).
I like the libCON wrapper for quick things. It''s object oriented and easy to use. Rhino is right though, if you want to learn direct x you would be better of writting your own wrapper since the wrapper hides the DX code. Here is a link to libCON:

The Photon Effect

Mike Barela

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