
To The Moderator

Started by May 29, 2002 04:54 PM
7 comments, last by shoryuken 22 years, 8 months ago
About the last message which was posted 3 times. I sincerely apologize. I had no intention of my post appearing 3 times. This was my first time using this forum, and I had forgotten to put my email on, so I pressed back button on my browser, unknowing that the message has already been posted. I did it once again to put my AIM name on, not knowing that the message had again already been posted. You can be sure that will be the last time I do that. Thanks.
You can delete the other posts. Just view the post, click edit and then check the check box asking if you accidently double posted. You also have to put your username and password in.
Keys to success: Ability, ambition and opportunity.
Your explanation doesn''t explain the 6 hour time difference between your last two threads. However I am willing to accept your apology accepted on behalf of the members of this forum and forget the issue.

Please take note of LilBudWizer''s point though... you can delete your own posts if you accidently double post. Just click edit and the delete option at the top of the post and submit the modifications.

As a moderator I will only delete a thread if I feel it violates the rules of the forum in terms of obscenity, rasicm, etc., or it is a double post with no responses. Since two of your threads had responses I felt it appropriate to close the inactive ones.

Finally, please don''t take any of this ''moderation'' personally. It''s just me putting on the pointy hat and grabbing the whipping stick and making sure participants in the forum understand the rules and ettiquette. I hope you continue to participate in these forums and to enjoy them as we all do!


p.s. the 3 were within 1 min of each other
p.s. the 3 were within 1 min of each other
dammit, not again!
"Your explanation doesn''t explain the 6 hour time difference between your last two threads"

....what? They were each posted within a minute of each other. I did the same thing once, where i went back before the page was done loading and changed something only to find two topics >_<

Original post by shoryuken
p.s. the 3 were within 1 min of each other

My apologies shoryuken, you are correct on that. I was looking at the Last Reply time when I drew that conclusion, rather than the post time.

My mistake, sorry. 8)

BTW: you can practice deleting a double post by editing the second copy of the post I quoted above, checking the delete option at the top and submitting the change.


[edited by - Timkin on May 30, 2002 9:47:32 PM]
Folks, thank you for communicating in a civilized manner, and for understanding the double post concern!

Graham Rhodes
Senior Scientist
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Graham Rhodes Moderator, Math & Physics forum @

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