
Adventure game engines for free?

Started by May 27, 2002 04:22 AM
1 comment, last by Eudaimic 22 years, 8 months ago
Hi there, I''ve tried looking around, but I haven''t found anything, which seems strange to me. What I''m looking for is something along the lines of the engine that drove the old Lucasarts games and the likes. I mean it can''t be much of a technical challenge today to get something like that up and running, and there seems to be plenty of talented people working on other types of engines. So am I just not looking hard enough?
Michael Heilemann--------------------------- Designer on Singularity - Sysop at Nerve Impulse Let us never allow ourselves the sin of forgetting our dreams!
You can try this: haven''t tried it, but seems to be what the most people use and it is free.

Go Denmark

I think the old Sierra adventure engine is available, I´ve seen a Quest for Glory fan remake...

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