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31 comments, last by Sith Lord 24 years, 3 months ago
quote: Original post by Martin2

That is reall BULLSHIT!!!!
For one exampel when i played herose 3 it geted to my emotions and Monkey Island 1,2 and 3.
The monkey island serie has reall good story(in my option).
And i am going to MAILBOMB that guy!!!

James Bond

Grow up! He''s got a right to his bad opinion. E-mail bombing is so juve and net-boy
That is reall BULLSHIT!!!!

Just code the game you want to see and ordinary people will make their own choices. He''s chosen a limited view-point and e-mail bombing is amazingly smaller than his teeny-tiny imperceptably small point-of-view. I respect the nausea created by his ignorance but that''s his problem. He''s missed out on great stuff.

I''m not going to say anything about the writer because I''d probable be arrested. I think the worste insult is he probably calls himself a writer.

//--- Created by Tom Oram ---
// tom.oram@vodafone.net
Now i'm sure some of you would disagree with me but Final Fantasy (6, 7 and 8) is what I concider art.

With Fanal Fantasy (there are a number of other great games but i'm using this as an example) you are drawn into the world that the Designers, Programmers, Artists, Composers ect have created, You care for the characters...

Now I could go get a piece of paper and start drawing, anything really it doesn't matter. When I'm done I could call what I drew art, It may not be great and my drawing skill could use alittle work (alot accually) but I made it, I worked on it. Now to tie this together, While only select games can be classified as great, games that aren't that good are still art.

As for emmotions...

*SPOILER* If you haven't played FF7 and FF8 spoilers are ahead...

Who wasn't sad when Sephiroth killed Aeris and who didn't feel beter when she and the rest of the gang saved the day at the end. Or when Rinoa was lost in space and Squall saved her, Its enough to make a grown man cry (of course... I never have, heh)

If thats not art... I don't know what is.


Edited by - Kavos on 3/1/00 5:46:54 AM
quote: Original post by Sith Lord

I cant believe how stupid some jabronis are. Read this article on Newsweeks website!
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. The idiot who wrote this needs to know his role and Shut His Mouth, before I take that article, shine it up real nice, turn that sun''bitch sideways and stick it straigh up his candy ass!

EDIT: stupid html

Edited by - Sith Lord on 2/29/00 7:15:34 PM

Yeah, that''s it. Throw some wrestling jargon his way, that ought to show him how much of an "artist" you are...
Dude, next time you make your topic "EVERYONE READ THIS", please make sure it''s worth my time. Honestly, I couldn''t care less what the dude who wrote the article thinks, or even writes, as long as it doesn''t lower my paycheck, and that article damn sure doesn''t.
:: dons flame-retardant suit ::

I agree with the article. He''s right on.

There is no "deep emotional significance" to games, like there is in art... the games out there right now don''t "explore what it means to be human," or "give anyone''s life meaning."

But you know, who the hell cares?

What''s wrong with making a game that''s just fun to play? Why are developers so preoccupied with what the world thinks of them?

As a gamer, I don''t slap $50 on a game because I think it will tell me what it means to be human. I buy a game because it''s fun. I''m not going to discuss its inner symbolism and deeper meaning - I''m going to play it, have fun, and move on.

So... as a game developer, I want to create something that''s fun. I could care less about whether or not my work will be considered "art" by the world 50 years after I''m dead. It''s enough of a compliment to me that people like my games so much they spend their own money on them.

This whole "art" attitude is just another manifestation of the "rock star syndrome" game developers are so notorious for. "Look at me, I''m an *artist*!" they scream.

So yeah, the article''s right - there is no "high art" to games. But why does that matter? Does knowing that a game isn''t art make the game less fun?

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
I don''t care what you say, Game development is an art. It is the creation of a new world, an entire universe! I think that that''s pretty much art.

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no fooling around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London
Reading the above posts, and thinking about it more, I agree with mason in some ways. I thik some games are art and some games aren''t. Look at it this way, if I put a bunch of posters on my wall, and blasted my fav music, would it be art? It would if I where trying to express something. There are some games that I just couldn''t see as being art, despite the amount of art that may go into the project. Some games are meant to move, stir up, or affect the player deeply, assuming these where a form of creative expression, I would consider them art. A game like QIII doesn''t personally strike me as art, but I''m sure the coding behind it is a pure artistic masterpiece. That''s my opinion.

Dare To Think Outside The Box
Write more poetry.http://www.Me-Zine.org
The author of that piece is allowed to state his opinion freely.

In my opinion though, I am sure that atleast one game series has struck to many mens (and females in some cases) emotions.
I am talking of Larry.
Well, I went ahead and pulled up www.m-w.com (the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Site) and got this:

4 a : the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also : works so produced b (1) : FINE ARTS (2) : one of the fine arts (3) : a graphic art

Does writing a game involve skill? Absolutely. Does it involve imagination? I sure hope so... The only thing I find questionable is "aesthetic objects" in some games *wry smile*

Going on:

Main Entry: fine art
Function: noun
Date: 1767
1 a : art (as painting, sculpture, or music) concerned primarily with the creation of beautiful objects -- usually used in plural b : objects of fine art

This gets a little fuzzy. Maybe Myst is fine art and Pac-man isn't...

I found this one interesting:

Main Entry: art form
Function: noun
Date: 1868
1 : a recognized form (as a symphony) or medium (as sculpture) of artistic expression
2 : an unconventional form or medium in which impulses regarded as artistic may be expressed

The second entry is intriguing.

I would argue that while games may not be "fine art" except in some highly aesthetic cases (and would you really want them to be? I think it would make most of them really boring) they are most certainly an art form, in most cases. They reflect the creative instincts and imagination of the programmers, designers, artists, and musicians, and as such, are considered by definition to be art. Granted they might not be as high a form as the Mona Lisa, but isn't art, in its essence, created to provoke enjoyment and perhaps thought and/or feeling from its beholder?


Edited by - felisandria on 3/1/00 5:30:24 PM
~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~

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