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31 comments, last by Sith Lord 24 years, 3 months ago
First off, I think it''s repulsive the way you guys are losing it over someones opinion. Threatening to mail bomb someone or do something equally unpleasant just makes you look like an idiot. He has an opinion, just like you do. So respect it, whether or not you agree.

Whether or not games are art, it doesn''t really matter. Nobody buys games for their deep emotional significance, they buy it because they want to enjoy themselves.

Personally, I enjoy reading articles like that -- if only because they make me think. Something which some of the people in this thread apparentely neglected to do.

I completely agree with TheGoop and Mason.
By making threats you just make the author of this articles point even more valid. Everything from e-mail bombing to physically hurting him just shows how the people that are responding to articles in negative ways are juvenile. There are ways to give negative feedback without claiming that you are going to do somebody bodily or, in this case, computer harm.

Please people, try to remember everything you say represents Game Developers as a whole and that knee-jerk asanine (sp?) responses do more harm than good.

- Zeke Templin

- Zeke Templin
I think that you are all taking these people's "threats" too seriously. They are just venting their anger. This "article", I find, is offensive and these people have a right to be angry. Most of these people will not act on their threats. Especially the physical ones. However, I do think that this guy needs to be shown that game design is not easy, and should be considered an art. Like I said, I'd like to see him make a good game!

Also, if he says that music and visual creations such as paintings and images are art, what do you think are the basis of games? Sprites are a form of Visual art, and what would a game be without good music? I think this guy needs to take a look at these posts and reconsider his opinion.

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no fooling around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London

Edited by - PsYcHoPrOg on 3/1/00 6:32:26 PM
The guy expressed his views and I agree with him to an extent. However, I didn''t like his negative portrayal of game desginers. I occasionally send emails to online mags when I strongly agree or strongly disagree with certain points about an article. They need and use the feedback.

Mud-slinging is not a bad thing, in and of itself. However, if you''re sending messages like "ASSHOLE! YOU SUCK!!!", then you probably are adding fuel to his fire. But well constructed criticism is healthy for both sides, I think.

The bottom line is we''re all free to think and say what we want. If you disagree with me, then all I can say is YOU SUCK!!!
You know what would be cool is if instead of just threatening him, we actually started a video game museum. Now that is something I would like to see. People come in, get to play epic video games, it has several sections, such as Early Video Games, and includes stuff like Pong, Nibbles, and so on. Then it has a section like Epic games, modern games, Strange games, etc. I would love to see something like that. The only problem is the price of the hardware to run the games on, but if you got a company to back you then that wouldn''t be a problem. Just an idea - Cloxs.
Having read the article (well bits of it anyway) I think this guy has a real problem with technology in general. If he's so narrow-minded he can't get his head around the fact that the creation of a computer game, with all the music, art, plot and damn hard work that goes into it is a creative process, then he should be challenged on that.

As for emailing the guy, I don't see why its mail bombing to give journalists feedback on what they write. Isn't that what freedom of speech is about?

Edited by - benjamin bunny on 3/1/00 7:52:01 PM

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I like Cloxs idea about the game museum.

As far as I remember, under the Copyright Act and the International Copyright Convetions, all forms of computer software is considered a form of artwork.
Therefore: Computer games are a form of art.

And in my opinion anyway, computer games are a form of art (imagination, and the creation of it make it a peice of art, even if no one likes it), and to a certain extent, even playing a game can be considered a form of art.

it''s not exactly a museum, but cex have a retro shop with loads of cool old stuff on display that you can buy. i know it''s not really what you mean cos you can''t play it really, but if you''ve never been and you''re in the area, it''s a good place to go to just look at stuff and think oh yeah, i used to think that was the best thing ever. if you do think it sounds good, i think their website is www.cex.co.uk
Whatever that guy is a big moron. I have been frightened many times while playing games like Thief or Half-Life is that not emotion. One of the very reasons I make games is to sit there and watch my friends get emotional about the content of the game. One Question I have for the writer of the stupid article is WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME HE PLAYED A VIDEO GAME?????????? He definitely needs to see what he is critisizing

Last time I checked news article''s aren''t ment to be based on opinions but fact''s.

That article is purely his opinion therefor it''s bullshit, none of this "freedom of speech" shit cover''s it up.

That guy deserve''s to be sacked

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