
famous artist ?

Started by February 14, 2000 11:31 AM
4 comments, last by CarlFGauss 24 years, 11 months ago
When people talk about game, most of them mention John Carmack from ID. Is there any famous/favorite artist in game industry whom their art is universally admired, just as John Carmark is famous for his programming talent?
Kevin Cloud comes to mind immediately. Artist and part-owner of id. Of course, I may think of him more because of the part-owner part than the artist part.

Within the Quake community, Paul Steed (also an id
employee) is a very recognized artist.
Are we limited to id Software? Otherwise I would put up Dhabih Eng (Recently hired by Valve Software). Most people know him from his site. He also has an excellent forum for art talk.
I dont know if you care about 2d games but the entire Capcom design team is amazing, some of Capcom''s main artists that I know of are Kinu Nishimura, Edayan, and Aikimon. They are hardly known in America but are well respected in Japan.
Lorne Lanning and the entire team at Oddworld Inhabitants do fantastic stuff! The Art Direction is both consistant and top-notch.

Doug TenNapel and the crew at The Neverhood are also terrific artists, and not afraid to pursue their own quirky vision... which makes it all the better.

artist/animator/designer/whatever, blizzard north

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