
Something wrong with something I don't know

Started by February 05, 2002 07:19 AM
6 comments, last by Tac-Tics 22 years, 7 months ago
I recently got Todd Barron''s Multiplayer Game Programming book from but I''ve been having a little difficulty getting my code to compile. First of all... I think the reason is I''m using the Borland C++ compiler and not Visual C++, so I can''t follow the instructions on setting up the main project. When I compile, I keep getting a list of errors saying: ERROR: unresolved external ''SocketObject::~SocketObject()'' referenced from C:\c++\connecting\connect.obj There''s seven such errors... What might I have done wrong? I included both required directives (iomanip.h and SocketObject.h) and I also have a copy of winstock.h and ws2_32.lib in the folder (am I supposed to do that?). Can anyone help me out? "I''''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."
For any header file you include, there is usually an associated library file as well. Make sure that the comiler is set to include any necessary .lib files. Moving them to your project''s directory is not the way to do you. If you check your projects settings, there should be a place where the included libraries are listed. Add ws2_32.lib to that list.

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I guess that''s the difficulty. I''m not using any fancy Compiler Suite... I''m just using textpad and DOS prompt to write, compile, and run my programs. I know next to nothing about how projects work =-/

"I''''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."
Can anyone help me with this? How do I impliment a library file. Note that I''m only using a text pad program and DOS prompt to compile and run. I have a copy of the library both in my /lib/ directory and in my project folder.

Someone plz help me! With every attempted fix of my code (note I don''t even know what''s wrong with it, so the term "fix" is used lightly), I get more and more unknown errors and warnings. I''m afraid soon I''ll get a warning that says my compiler will no longer even try to proccess my unintelligeble code!

"I''''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."
Read your compilers doc''s on how to set up library directories and how to set it up to search for library files.
i empathise. i''m also using the bcc32 free compiler. here''s what i''ve gathered so far:

1) to compile a win32 application, you must add -W to your command prompt: bcc32 -W xxx.cpp

2) it is next to impossible to get dx8.0 to work on my machine!

i hope the latter is due to a win xp issue, but i fear it might be a bcc32 issue. you can download borland''s dx8.0 sdk (software dev. kit) addapters at the following site:

good luck!


ps: are you mint, orange, or cinamon?
I had the same problem w/ bcc 5.5 so i stopped using it.
Ah I got it to compile (abielt with multiple "Variable not used" warnings and the program didn''t stay open), but it did compile! Thanx you very much. I will also look for documentation on linking. Again thanks alot
Also, to answer your question Anon, Orange. You can see a pic here

"I''''m not evil... I just use the power of good in evil ways."

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