
packer, crusher code

Started by February 08, 2000 12:11 PM
1 comment, last by SigwarthSoft 25 years, 1 month ago
hi here! is there source available for packers,crushers like winzip? SigwarthSoft icq#: 62538030 Maastricht, Netherlands Stefan Sigwarth
Winzip calles PKZIP directly.
This place has some source for compression:

Click on "Compression" under "General Programming"
(This site is a very good place to look for source code)

E:cb woof!

Edited by - dog135 on 2/8/00 4:49:36 PM
E:cb woof!
The best compressor is LZO. In comparison tests it is rated as the fastest and most effective compression method. There is an easy to use library available. It is freeware and opensource. The link can be found at Yahoo, by searching LZO. L8r

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