
Why does the video game industry suck?

Started by January 27, 2002 11:26 AM
35 comments, last by Metal Head 22 years, 11 months ago
quote: Original post by Oluseyi
As I said in another thread (in the Lounge), "Eloquence in English requires serious effort."

... and at least a Jr. High education. And hell... if you are educated, it doesn''t even require all that much effort. And people wonder why they aren''t taken seriously.

Dave Mark
Intrinsic Algorithm Development

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

quote: Original post by Warsong
some things metal head said i dont know, but i have to say some comments on a few things.

Actually, you don''t have to say anything. Please remember that in the future.
quote: Most of u don’t get it

Or perhaps you don''t. I can make that statement with an equal amount of surety as you made yours.
quote: Also why r corporate suits defending game company? That is not a good source.

Who is a corporate suit here? I''m not. I''m just a president of my own company. I haven''t worn a tie in 4 years much less a suit. You won''t even get me in a tie at my 2nd wedding in 9 months. Perhaps, however, you meant "suit" in a derogatory, upper management sort of way. Well, I suppose being president of a company makes me management... I''m guilty. I guarantee, though, that you would not have been able to tell that of me unless I told you. Your statement is prejudicial, narrow-minded and based on false premises.
quote: It’s like the demons defending the devil
The employers defending their company lol

...and you would expect them to do... uh... what?
quote: If games r so good then why r u in the industry? To make them worse? Are u not satisfied with what they make? Do u have a preference? Well so do I :o what a coincidence :o
u want to make a better game, something new, something never seen. something that u think will be better to play. hmmmm maybe they r in it for the money :o

Objection, your Honor... relevance? What the hell are you talking about here? It also would help if you could compose entire sentances in the language of choice here. And feel free to spell your words out. My 8 year old son can manage to write full words and complete sentances. I am sure you can manage.
quote: well since u people that work in the industry think things r great can u hire me since u can afford it?

Incorrect premise #1: We think things are great. Perhaps we are in the industry because we, in the spirit of perpetual self-improvement, believe that we can do better. Therfore we push ourselves and those around us to continually strive for something better. (I understand this may be a foreign concept to you.) Unfortunately, there doesn''t seem to be a big red, "push here to make everything 100 times better" button nearby. (Maybe we can design one of those, instead.)

Incorrect premise #2: Why do you think we can afford it? You sound much like a foolish socialist capitalism-hating liberal that knows nothing of the basic profit/loss equation. Educate yourself (or have someone do it for you) and then return to participate in a sensible discussion based on reality.

Incorrect premise #3: Why would any of us hire you or those of your ilk? What qualifications do you posess aside from your elephantitis-stricken ego and your ability to mishandle the English language in its printed form?

quote: When do we start? u have nothing to fear since one bad game can’t mess u up right? :o if u have confidence in u then u should have confidence that u wont fall

I have confidence in me. I have confidence that my success will be due, in part, to my ability to seek out talent and drive in the people around me and utilize that to the advantage of my company. I fail to see that in anything you have posted to-date... meaning that I would not even be remotely inclined to hire you. It would seem, therefore, that my confidence in my own abilities are well founded as you have just helped me reassert to myself.

quote: Also their can be a 2d or 3d game maker that can do whatever u need. Their r 2 reason why it failed.

"There", "their", "they''re"... so many words, so few brain cells.

quote: The engine has to be user friendly, fast, and flexible. If u think that the money is nothing then send me money please. So why do u care since u r rich business men to give me chump change so I can make something? well set a date and how u will give it to me. I think its best over mail now in thinking should u send it in cash or check.

Do you realize that your job at Burger King exists only because of a rich business man? Anyway... I shall not digress further into socio-economic discussions. As for the cash for an engine deal... perhaps you should show us an engine first? Why does anyone give the hindquarters of a rodent what you think until/unless you have shown that any meaningful cognitive skills you have didn''t already get tossed out with the bong water.

Look, child. Perhaps you are in over your head here. I think you need to go back to doing what you do best in the game world... macroing Quake Deathmatch insults so you can trumpet your latest fraq conquest with the briefest caress of a function key. Until you settle down and shut up long enough to let something sink in, those macros will be the only programming that the world ever sees out of you.

To the rest of you, I apologize for another public bitchslapping... but people like this cause me to lose a portion of my already compromised self-control. Again, sorry.

Dave Mark
Intrinsic Algorithm Development

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

First off negative brings negative so don’t reply negativity I didn’t call u names so don’t stoop down ok? and don’t be so confident of yourself. Can your next reply be more humble and calm thanks
And sorry if I sounded and still sound a bit hard, or sound insulting.
Reply 2 2
lol u don’t seem to get fully what I said that u r corporate: p
lol u r silly and u still don’t get it
r2 3
it’s like a sinner not admitting sin. u don’t know what innocence is when u have sinned and u make your errors seem that they r ok. you view things different and don’t want to understand in your high chair. what u know how to do best is insult.
r2 4
and thanks for showing your immaturity u don’t have to prove me right all the time u know if u can’t read my words then I guess u r not smart enough for jeopardy

r2 5
1 what do u think I am talking about? u agreed with me u dope look at what u said first since u complain that that game industry is good and I say their is always room for improvement. can u understand anything? no wonder u aren’t #1 but #who knows. know your weakness and fix it.

2 lol u don’t seem to get it still lol. I know what u mean, and I know how things work. maybe if u r a bit open minded then u will understand. and don’t talk about socialism or capitalism or whatever since I know u don’t get that. I know about those far more than u so don’t tell me your limitation in your thoughts. your games r limited enough.

3 lol yep now I know why u don’t do well thanks for the constant reminder that u need to insult to make a point since u like cheep shots and going off the topic look dude know your weakness and fix it. trust me I am not against u, no one is perfect and u aren’t hiring me for my story telling or English ability that I don’t care to show u because that’s not what we r talking about. but if u feel u need help in defending yourself since u don’t have any good back up in your beliefs then keep insulting happy how we r even

r2 5
u suck at talent suck and u just prove to me how deluded u r in your high chair I bet I have a higher IQ that u or u have been too much in the same shit hole and don’t see in a different angle with also seems true. we both know u r childish hay I have a site for u to see how much of a BaS@#$%@% u r I got a 13% or being a bas@#$$% here it is

cheer up at least u r a rich BAS@#$% than a poor one. well did u ever hear the root to all evil is money? or it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a hurricane than a rich man to go to heaven? do u think that 100% bs well I think a rich guy can but he shouldn’t be selfish. well money = power, and power corrupts

and I don’t like quake I play puzzle, strategy, or fighting games
hay do u want to go against me in chess? their is one at

u shouldn''t judge, u can say what u want but insulting will get u no where. imagine if u negotiated like this with another company :o hmmm how I have draughts in joining u. well since u want me to show u a game maker how do I know u wont steel it since u seem violent?

Also u assume too much just calm down I am willing to talk things out and I didn’t insult u so u shouldn''t insult me I think that’s fair, don’t u?

also your saying represents the golden rectangle forumla
***Power without perception is useless, which you have the power but can you perceive?"All behavior consists of opposites. Learn to see backward, inside out and upside down."-Lao Tzu,Tao Te Ching Fem Nuts Doom OCR TS Pix mc NRO . .
They were talking about long games and now they''re picking on each other (holds head) I don''t believe this (makes "guhhh" sound of irritated disbelief).
I hate christmas tree posters.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
quote: Original post by InnocuousFox
Incorrect premise #2: Why do you think we can afford it? You sound much like a foolish socialist capitalism-hating liberal that knows nothing of the basic profit/loss equation. Educate yourself (or have someone do it for you) and then return to participate in a sensible discussion based on reality.

Come on now, be reasonable. Liberals are not capitalist-haters. I'm a liberal, but I do not hate capitalism, and I do understand the profit/loss idea. I accept capitalist type systems because they work fairly well when it comes to inducing people to excell. I believe that capitalism should be tempered by a good welfare state, to back people up if they fail, and to support those less fortunate than ourselves (if you have an above average IQ, and were born in a middle class family, then you are incrediably lucky). Do not confuse Liberals with Capitalist-haters, or even socialists with Capitalist-haters, we simply recognise that the capitalist system needs improvements.

Sorry this was a bit off topic, I otherwise agree with everything you said in that post.

Edited by - Focus on January 29, 2002 3:52:01 AM
Sorry, but there is NO WAY I''m letting this thread continue. It''s just one massive Lounge Flamewar waiting to happen. If Wavinator wants to reopen - he can.

People might not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.

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