
Making Levels

Started by February 07, 2000 06:54 PM
7 comments, last by Esap1 25 years, 1 month ago
Im using 3DSMAX R3 and trying to make indoor levels. But its Soooooo hard to make hallways and room simply with it. Does anyone know of a program that I can use to make 3D Indoor Levels, Ive tried Worldcraft, anything better than that or similar, or just anything, thanks in Advance
You can always try QERadiance. Personally I don''t like it''s interface but there are many that use it. As a plus the fileformat used by QERadiance is very easy to convert since it''s just an ASCII file.

Haven''t tried UnrealED as I don''t have the game, but it''s yet another editor for indoor levels.

Could you please tell me where to find QERadiance, thanks
Try here:

Quake 3 World

It's the Quake Arena Tools you want to download. It's 7 MB though.

Edited by - Spellbound on 2/7/00 8:16:03 PM
Is there any thing else more custimizable?, or any other one that can be used for mutiple games.
Hmm... actually I find 3DS Max R3 quite easy to model things, especially rooms and hallways since they don''t require that many curved edges (for a typical room).
The Problem is with 3DS MAX, when I make a cube for a room, the Normals are always facing out word, so from the inside the polygons get culled. Is there any, easy way to invert a certain polygons normal vector?
Convert the cube to editable mesh and then flip the normal of all faces. Can be done in three steps, don''t know there are a faster way though as I''m no expert at 3DS MAX
There is a faster way. Just apply a Normal modifier...
Select the cube, select the Modify panel, click more, and choose Normal.

Then just check the flip normal.

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