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What kind of computers do you all got?

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55 comments, last by SigwarthSoft 24 years, 4 months ago
Got a PPro 200Mhz with 64MB RAM, 10.2GB HDD, 2MB VGA, 12MB Voodoo2 (Creative 3DBlaster), 20x and 32x CdROM,....

It''s my birthday next Saturday and I''m going to buy a new computer

What do you think: Is it smart to wait with a new computer ''till this years CeBit? Some guys say that the prices of hardware will decrease when there''s so much new stuff launched.
PII 266, 96MB RAM, 26GB HD, TNT, 17" monitor, DSL

And Gromit, I think making this an ongoing poll is a good idea, but it will take us a bit to finish the system that will allow us to do polls the way we want to in the future.

K6-2 266
48Mb RAM (Yo Gromit! I know exactly how you managed that )
4.8Gb HDD
Average/Shite Monitor (It does the job I guess)

and as I have said many a time before, one *really* shite Graphics card...If you want to give me a new one I'll shut
up about it


PS: Just thought I might add:
I have pretty good sound, a Sound Blaster AWE64, reasonable speakers and a sub-woofer.

Edited by - GEo on 2/8/00 9:43:40 AM
George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
I still have a working Atari 1040st! Now thats a system with a cool OS. Lets see now. 512k ram(?) 16 color VGA. No hard drive. 3.5 floppy. 2400 baud modem. Monitor that only works with Atari ST. Adlib type built in sound card + standard midi ports.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Hehe I''ve got the crappiest system :
- P133
- 32 mb ram
- ATI rage pro 98 (8 mg)
- 20 gb hd
- 15 inch monitor
- Sound Blaster 512

Hey, Gromit! I''ve still got an Atari 800 up and running [and is CURRENTLY set up.] Hmm, what OS is on the 1040? [And can it run Gem, I forget.]
. Actually, I''ve had numerous friends with 48Mb on their systems at various times [16x3.] It''s amazing how long a well maintained system will last. I''ve recieved a few carts from people [because I knew I had an operating system and they weren''t going to use them anymore] and I could hardly believe how cruddy a condition they came in. Multiple 5 1/4" disks in one sleeve, carts that sat on TVs for years, media with no labels, etc. I even just salvaged an 800XL from a relative and couldn''t even start to get the junk cleaned up off of it.
. Personally I think Atari was one of the best hardware developers. It''s sad what a clueless marketing department can do to a company. Oh, well.
Heh, I have a fully operational Atari 130XE, and a 400 around someplace still, I think. I also have access to a functional Atari 520ST. Ah, the nostalgia! :D
Helooooooo?! I was asking if it is smart to buy a new computer now. What do you think?
I have 3 computers on a 100baseT network. My P166MMX is a proxy running winddows NT server that has two network cards in it connecting my internal network to the internet through ADSL.

I have a P133 with 16MB ram for my wife and a PIII 500 with 96MB ram for myself. Having a network has allowed me to use all of the gigs of hard drive space effectively. I like the network though I am looking to get a dedicated SQL Server/Game Server and turn the proxy into a firewall instead.


Oh the PIII is a Dell and I love it, the P166 is a custom built and the P133 is an AST. Only one with a decent video card is the PIII.

Edited by - kressilac on 2/9/00 10:12:49 AM
Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
I''ve got:

RM Nimbus 80286
640kb base memory
5.25" FDD A: and B:
SPEL chip
Windows 2000
RGB monitor

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