
Newbie Programming Group

Started by January 10, 2002 05:46 PM
7 comments, last by vissione 22 years, 8 months ago
As you all know, there was a thread where a lot of people signed up to join a new group. I feel there is a really bad leadership in that group, theres too many people to handle. They even have a REALLY bad forum. I''m trying to convince them that there are ways to get a decent forum like this one yet they are stubborn on using that peice of crap Yahoo! Group thing. I''m now going to recruit again members to join my group. I''m not very good in C++ or DirectX yet, but when it comes to leadership I know my stuff. I would like serious people that want to learn together with others, sort of like a online classroom, please join. I''ll post information on where and how we''ll be in contact later. For now I want to see how many are interested. --------------------------- let your presence be felt ---------------------------
---------------------------Let your presence be felt---------------------------

AIM: damn messycan
Y!: damn_messycan
I''m well-versed in game programming theory (along with the programming itself) but have never actually programmed a game before. This group of yours sounds like an ideal opportunity.
Justice is useful when money is useless.
I''d be interested also, i''ve thought about coding games for awhile now, and i even have a few ideas stashed away in a notebook under my, i''d really be interested...

Inflict Strain Upon The Structure
Inflict Strain Upon The Structure
I''m interest it
The forum is at: Projects and such are being discussed and planned(in my sleep lol goodnight g2g)

let your presence be felt
---------------------------Let your presence be felt---------------------------
You don't need the (/index.php) bit.

P.S: I'm in the group

Edited by - The new guy on January 11, 2002 8:58:03 PM
History of my URL:

ctrl+D then
ctrl+c then
ctrl+v here then

Tada! We got the complete url yay! lol man don''t worry I''m not mad...o_O

let your presence be felt
---------------------------Let your presence be felt---------------------------
Sounds fun.

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