Original post by Kylotan
And this kind of posting shows that you have no idea of "the big picture", or you'd understand why not every game is totally different from all the others. If you want to criticise games, then please, give some examples, rather than just "games these days are useless, I could do better, honest".
Kylotan, this is exactly what I mean when I say a lot of you'd rather make your own conclusions.
I understand why not every game is completly different.It's because you programmers would rather emulate someone elses code than actually innovate yourselves.That's no insult either it's just a fact and rather a good decision anyway.
I'm constantly getting the impression that a lot of you feel I'm just some gaming addict with blind faith and little common sense.
This is very much a mistaken belief.I have know what I wanted to do since I was a child,and realise this is a job like any other.
As such it requires I be professional,and have professional skills.No one is just going to get a job based on hot air.
Anyway if you'd like me to expand on my statements here's a few examples of criticisms I have with a few AAA games I've played recently.
Black and White. (By the fabled guru that is PM)
1. No way of skipping through tutorials and info. (so basic)
2. Your Titan must be watched 24/7 or you run the risk of finding him eating his own shit.(or worse)
3. Multiplayer mode (The thing that would have saved this game),
is drawn out and has little to do with skill.
This is really the biggest problem and the reason it didn't live up to hype.Don't get me wrong I was very impressed with the game,
Control system was genius,excellent engine,Some nice (Useful) features,like titan reactions to mp3 e.t.c
but the whole thing was killed through losing the plot.The game is arduous and frustrating,there is no real good multiplayer uses.(Where the game would have really come into it's element).
I would have maybe just gone for a non competitive multiplay option.Where you more hang out in a online enviroment and play little subgames.Competitive multiplay would have been much better if you all had similar titans,you could have had multiple modes say competitive where you all get equally skilled and balanced titans and play based on skill,and a general hang out mode where you show off your titan,learn new skills,(maybe new dance moves e.t.c by completing certain tasks you can only do online,more rpg.)and generally chat in a cool virtual environment.
Any sport game.
I have been saying for years that sports games should be more visual and unrealistic,either come up with new sports,like airblade.Or have more visual and unrealistic elements.
Only now have I started to see games like SSX tricky and Jetsetradio future start to get this point.I quite liked the way in Davemirra 1 you had bouncy pads that rocketed you up into the air,then they ditched it in 2.
Anyone remember Speedball?.I mean things like this arn't exactly major technical issues.Football with guns
,lol.e.t.c why not?,worked for wipeout.
Actually forget this,I could go on all day.
You name a game and I'll tell you why it sucks.
Even really good ones,check my reply to a GTA3 post.
Obviously there are games I do like,not many though compared to the amount developed.
Original post by Crouilla
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with designing the next "Tycoon" or "Deer Hunter" clone, since with your lack of initiative and apparent lack of talent, that's about the only game you'll ever get the chance to "design".
Don't worry people like yourself only bring a smile to my face.
My name is Alex Enchensunce.
Oh and I take it by my lack of initiative you are refering to the company I'm working all hours to float,or are you refering to my efforts to find a team on this board?
I hope I'm insulting you with more than my usual 10 year old social skills this time.
Anyway as usual I don't mind any of your replies.They are more informative than you might think,and not for the reasons you probably imagine.Please never get me wrong,I probably have more respect for any of you than you have for me.
"There's so much to do, and a lot of you are wasting time.
This is ART dagnammit! get creative or get buried."
Edited by - muzikus on January 12, 2002 12:16:14 AM
"There's so much to do, and a lot of you are wasting time.This is ART dagnammit! get creative or get buried."