quote: Original post by Muzikus
The point of the post was that I had figured out that this forum is not the place to find the people I need,and I was just leaving a rant for posterity because of the time I had wasted,in the hope it''d maybe make a few of you think.
What exactly did you expect us to "think"? I would tell you what most of us "think" right now, but I said this would be a flame-free post. You''ve got a funny way of asking for help.
quote: Original post by Muzikus
I could sit here and answer your comments,but quite frankly that would be a waste of effort.Most of you have the complete wrong end of the stick,and have failed to realise that I don''t have the time for this.
"Don''t have time for this", yet you keep posting inflammatory comments.
quote: Original post by Muzikus
I really don''t give two hoots about any of your opinions,because most are based on the lack of information you have,and the inability most of you show in watching threads.
Considering you''re the one asking for help, you should "give two hoots about what any of us say".
quote: Original post by Muzikus
I never even said most of you were bad,I guess you just assume that because you probably are.(I''m sorry but I''m not going to stand here and take this)
Ahem... original quote: "It''s not even like I''m a genius or anything, it''s just that most of you don''t have a ******* clue"... Now, since you actually used the word "most" in your original post (which I just completely reread to make sure I wasn''t misjuding you -- sadly, I wasn''t), wouldn''t we take this as an attack on "most" of us?
quote: Original post by Muzikus
All I really was saying was the industry is a joke.I''m looking for people who are different,who realise this and are also fed up with the status quo.My frustration is that some of you seem quite happy with this,and show no initiative.
Since I''ll assume that anyone who doesn''t think exactly like you is part of the "some", I''ll take this as yet another attack on any of us that want to make games that we want to make -- whether they''re the most original games in the world or not. A game being "original" doesn''t make it fun (take the Jurassic Park PC game from a few years ago -- interesting physics engine, but they spent so long working on the "originality" of it, the rest of the game blew).
Now for that last sentence. Let''s see, we show no "initiative", yet you choose to talk about how great you are and show us none of your "amazing" ideas. You can''t program or create artwork effectively, yet you say you won''t learn to do so "because it''s a waste of your time". So far, you''ve shown us nothing, yet you want people to ditch their current projects and help you because of your purported "amazingness".
quote: Original post by Muzikus
I was hoping I might find some talented programmers who are actually serious about making good games,not just following pet projects and only showing interest in getting something done.
"Only showing interest in getting something done"... That has to be THE most interesting sentence I''ve ever heard in my life. You would rather have more people like you, who talk a lot and get NOTHING done?
quote: Original post by Muzikus
You really won''t get far in game development if you can''t appreciate a sense of humour.
Hmmm... Since when does "sense of humor" mean to insult everyone and expect them to help you because of your self-assessed "greatness"? You won''t get very far in ANY business if you have the attitude you do.
quote: Original post by Muzikus
I would gladly play along other different circumstances,but I had to make a decision,make money and start a company, or find people I can work with and develop a short timeframe game.
I''ve run out of time,like I said before.
So, when exactly is your Chapter 11 party? With your attitude, it won''t be long.
A piece of advice. Those that call other people "Wannabes" should have something to show for themselves. So far, you''re the only real "wannabe" here -- you''re a wannabe designer. The problem is that you have built yourself up in your mind so much, that you don''t even realize your delusions.
Some advice for business (since, as you said earlier,
"you obviously have no ******* clue"):
1) You aren''t always right... no matter how much you think you are.
2) Politeness isn''t the same thing as weakness. You''ll do a lot better once you learn that.
3) Yet again: Sh*t or get off the pot. OK, a more polite version from Henry Ford: "You can''t build a reputation based on what you are going to do". I''ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you can figure it out.
Once you grow up, I wish you the best of luck (it''ll take you getting rejected a few hundred more times, but I have faith you''ll eventually get a clue).