
I have no more time for closed minds,here's a key.Hope it fits. ;)

Started by January 09, 2002 11:07 PM
106 comments, last by Muzikus 23 years, 1 month ago
I second that.
Just let me log this.
"There's so much to do, and a lot of you are wasting time.This is ART dagnammit! get creative or get buried."
Muzikus You say you''re a musician? Are you a player or musician
players strum, bang, blow, etc. Musicians get paid.
Ever try to recoerd a demo without knowing how to turn on a tape deck? you have to have some practicle knowledge. Imagine
trying to tell your music and sound people want and can''t properly explain to them what you need for the lack of communication do to lack of practicle knowledge.
As like 99% of all the people here we all have the same basic dream and that is to make kik-ass games and a ton of cash.
I am 40-something have 3 albums under my belt and still as broke as a baby.
I also have my photography on 20+ albums still broke, Have Asscociates degree in computer designs, Ass. in Computer Progr.
A+ certified. Bachelors in Programming. I know C++,OpenGL,DX?
Fortran I was in on a bunch of DOOM levels Qmods, Unreal mods
A lot of Tomb raider Level. I can use Lightwave, 3D studio Max,
Maya, Man the list goes on, on, and on and still broke because I have not got it ALL together but I AM finaly Close to at least
Releasing my first title about 8mnths out, If I did not know the things I do then There is know way to achive my dream even if the title flops it has been 9yrs. to say I did it!
Now, I am About to get to say I DEVELoper, I Programmer, I Designer, I I I ! It takes Knowledge Cause Until My Brother Showed me Max 2 I could not get him to understand the kinds of annimation I was looking to achieve. you need to KNOW HOW, NOT JUST WHAT. you don''t have to be the best in all these areas but you should know how to function in all these areas. you asked for the true practicle advise NOW YOU HAVE IT !!!!
Best of Luck get off the Fear kik and get it done you are to worried about everything and everyone else other than yourself
it all starts with you and ends with you!!! The KedaKid-Owner
Check out some of those ''Getting into the Industry'' articles. You state:
I was hoping I might find some talented programmers who are actually serious about making good games,not just following pet projects and only showing interest in getting something done.

Yet in Dave Perry''s website, amongst others, it is mentioned that your best chance of getting a job is to show you have the ability the finish things. ''Getting something done'' is one of the most useful skills you can possess.

A guy called Romero once set up a company that would make games free of technical restrictions, unlike ID, and focussing entirely on design. He released Daikatana.

If you really want to design, just learn about everything, especially programming and art, and make sure you are talented with them both. The level of scripting in some modern games requires a generally high level of programming ability. Don''t assume you will be able to sufficiently explain to a programmer what you need doing.

I hope that when you next post back, you will not be so bitter.
there is creativity and talent in these forums , you just didnt look hard enough for it .

(thI$ P05+ \/\/a5 G0IN9 +o 8E A REPLY +0 t|-|e pH4n+0|\/| J08 po5+,Bu+ 1+''s $@y$ a L0T 50 1''m put+ing 1T 1N i+''$ 0wnz0R PO5t.I''\/E H4|) 3|\|0ugh kwi+e FR4|\||{ly wi+|-| +h3 4rrOg4nCE 4N|) l@C|{ of bEl13f i|\| 4ny+|-|i|\|g,tH4+ 1$ $0 c0|\/|mONLy E}{PrE553D oN t|-|Is bo@Rd.if J00 ThI|\||{ 1''|\/| 5+iLL \/\/4STi|\|G PeoPL3$ tI|\/|3 4n|) H@\/N''+ G0t 4 ClUe 4F+ER re4d1N9 t|-|i5,i''d pR3p4r3 your$elph FOr 4 $|-|oc|{.my |\|4|\/|3 i5 4LeX 3nc|-|E|\|$unCE.)

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on mY R3tuR|\| +hoUgh,1''\/3 4C+U4lly b33|\| pLE@54|\|+ly 5Upri53|) W1+|-| 4 f3w 0Ph t|-|3 Po5t$,
4L+HouGH m05+ HOw Co|\/|3 fr0m |)ES19n3r$.
I PEr50n4LLY +H1|\|k tHI$''LL B3 |\/|y l@5T pO$T (F0R @ \/\/|-|1lE @T le45t).
1''\/e 833n 5O Put 0fF By +3H v1EW$ e}{PR35s3d |-|er3,+H4T i''\/e C0me tO C0|\|cLU|)3 T|-|4t i''|\/| w@S+iN9 My +i|\/|e.
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"1 533 My5ElF AS |-|@\/I|\|g a 9ipH+" (yEa|-|,Y34|-| ).
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9.o.d ,0|\| pre++Y MUC|-| ev3Ry m@c|-|1|\|E.
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1 $+aR+3|) +O BEc0m3 $ER10u$ b3+w33|\| T3H @9E OF 10-12.
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1 +|-|3|\| 90+ mORe H3@\/1lY I|\|+O t|-|1n|{1n9 4b0uT 9A|\/|3pL4y.
R34LLY \/\/|-|4T I d0 i$ 9@|\/|3plAY,.

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$0 I \/\/oUl|) 4|\|@lYse 3\/ErYT|-|1|\|9 i|\| rel4t10N TO G@|\/|E5,A|\||) T|-|1NK 0F
\/\/|-|4t P30Ple RE@lLy \/\/@|\|+ Fr0M G4|\/|e5.
1|\/| JU5+ tRYI|\|9 +0 gIvE 5o|\/|e B@C|{GR0un|) @s +OO \/\/HY I \/\/a|\|tED +00 |\/|4ke g@|\/|35 AN|) @5 1 54i|) t|-|e R3@$o|\| 1''|\/| 50 FRUsTR4+E|) |\|0w.
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I COuLd h4\/3 9o+ 4 800|{,L00ki|\|9 84c|{,bUT 1 JU5t \/\/@$N''t t|-|@+ 50R+ 0f CH1L|).
1 U|\|DEr5tO0d @B0u+ pR09R@|\/||\/|InG @$ pH4R 4S j00 9a\/e 1|\|$+RuC+10N5 +o +e|-| c0mpuTER +o D0 5+UpHf,@|\|d I+ dI|) i+.
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G41|\|iNG 5c|-|0l@r$|-|1PS (pRiV4Te E|)UC@+1ON) f0r a l1|\/|1+3d T1m3,
bEPh0R3 get+1NG |{1C|{3|) 0UT ph0R BE1|\|G |)1$rUpT1vE @nd g3NEr@llY non conpHorm15t.
$0 1 5+UCK tO w|-|@t I \/\/a5 Go0|) A+,@5 FaR 4$ i 54w IT |)3$i9|\| \/\/4S R34LlY 1+.
i |\/|e4|\| TEChniC4LlY 1T |-|4|) tO G3t M@|)3, BU+ i+ mIGht 4$ \/\/eLL Be A|\| eXeRCI53 is w@$t1Ng +1|\/|e \/\/1+h0U+ 4 go0|) |)3$ign.
$0 +Oo |\/|3 t|-|4+ W45 4 \/4lU3|) 4|\||) RESP3CT3|) jO8.
i mE@|\| 4T +|-|E ENd oPH T3|-| |)4y \/\/H03\/ER c0|\/|E5 uP wIT|-| Teh I|\|1tal 1d34 (1f 1t''5 @ |-|i+) Is R3@LLy +|-|3 R345o|\| 3V3Ry0|\|e ge+S P@1D.
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My 1|)34$ i|\|cLu|)E 5+ufPH Phr0m EVeRY\/\/|-|ER3.
mOS+ly R0L3 Pl4Yi|\|9 i|\| TE|-| R3@L $eN$E oF T|-|e w0rLD.
45 I|\| trYi|\|g T0 g3t @ 9L1MP5e @+ 4|\|0+hER LIphe yOu''LL n3\/3r |{|\|O\/\/.
1+''5 4LL T|-|3 54Me pHR0|\/| +V,|\/|0\/13S TO 800|{$.
+His I5 jUST tHE 835T |\/|3|)iu|\/| E\/ER Cr34tEd.
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I |-|@v3 yE+ T0 $33 4nYtH1|\|9 T|-|@T RE@LLY PeoplE \/\/1ll PL4y 1n +|-|3 FUTure 8Ec@U5E It W4S JU5+ +|-|a+ D3EP.1 m34n Y34|-| PE0PLE''ll pr084blY h4\/3 4 GO 0|\| |\/|4riO Phor |\|O5+4LG1@,8u+ I ha\/3 ye+ +O r34lLY 5e3 ANytHi|\|9 \/\/h1cH 15 cLo53 +o The kW4lI+y 45 F4R @$ crE@tIv3 EFph0R+ OpH A|\|y OF +|-|3 Ol|) bOO|{$ \/\/e $T1LL RE4|) 0r T|-|E 0ld MO\/IE5 \/\/e w4TcH.
+He frU$TR4t10n I$ 1 K|\|oW w|-|y ,@ND 1 |-|4\/3 $0 |\/|Uc|-| +O0 OPHPhER tHe g4|\/|1|\|g c0|\/||\/|U|\|1+y.
Ye+ i''|\/| \/\/A5+1|\|G My +1|\/|e BeCAuSE 0ph tH3 u5U4L PR0bl3|\/|5. (I |{|\|O\/\/)
iT''5 ju$+; WI+|-|oUt W4n+i|\|9 To @PP3ar @RRO94|\|+,Pe0PLE $E3|\/| +O 4L\/\/4y$ f1|\|D 1+ V3rY |-|4rd tO B3l1E\/e +HA+ YoU''Re |\|O+ Ju5T fuLL 0f 8uLL.(E5PEc1ALLy IpH +H3y''r3 5M4rT) 1PH j00 cOm3 0u+ wiTH $TufPh L1|{3
i am 4|\/|4z1N9,YoU |{no\/\/ EVeRy0n3 3l$3; THEY 5UcK!,1 could |)o TH@t 1+ |\/|y $l3EP.
\/\/1+|-|0u+ 4c+u4L Pro0Ph,A|\|d W1th I|\|T3ll3c+U4l pR0P3RTY +|-|4t C4N 8E 4 Pr0BLE|\/|.
i |\/|34|\| @ loT oPh p3OPLE Ca|\| AcTU4Lly PO5+ +HER3 1|)345 H3R3.
i ca|\|''+ E\/En 9I\/e @\/\/4y |\/|or3 t|-|4n +EC|-|NiC4l reKwIre|\/|3|\|+$ M0Re 0f+3|\| +|-|4|\| |\|0+.
JU5+ 8EC@U53 1 |{|\|0\/\/ t|-|e m4rK3+,4ND no+ 45 @ Ga|\/|Er.4S 50|\/|eO|\|3 \/\/iTh ser10U5 @BIliTY @|\||) k|\|0\/\/leD93 OF botH Bu5i|\|3$S 4N|) P5yC|-|olO9y/|-|um4N be|-|@\/IoR.
1 doN''+ 3v3N Re4llY |\|33D +O +|-|In|{ 4BOUT 1T MUc|-|.
1 JU5+ KN0\/\/ pre+tY |\/|UcH 3\/3rYThI|\|G J00 n33|) +o d0 Wit|-| 4 g@|\/|e TO0 M4|{3 I+ 5UCCeeD.
+|-|e |\/|4R|{E+ d035n''t G1\/3 2 |-|0ot5 A8ou+ +He eFf0rT \/\/E pu+ i|\|.
T|-|EY d0|\|''+ C4R3 1Ph YOU''\/3 \/\/Or|{3D Y0UR |\|utS oPHph,
+|-|EY jU5T w@|\|+ t0o be I|\/|PrES5ED.
1mprE553D e|\|0UG|-| noT T0 put y0UR 94|\/|E |)0\/\/N,8U+ |\/|Or3 imP0R+4|\|+ly 83 1MpRe$5e|) 3|\|Ou9|-| T0 pic|{ it uP.
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ju$T @ f3\/\/ 5i|\/|pl3 Cl4$$iC5.

|\|@MeS +|-|@+ +eLL j00 Noth1|\|9 A80U+ +e|-| G@ME.
|\|4|\/|e$ +h4T iN$+@|\|+Ly ma|{3 y0Ur 94|\/|e S0u|\||) l1k3 o+|-|Er CLIC|-|E +Itle5,B3C4usE Th3Y 4R3.E\/3|\| 1f J00 |-|@\/e r34LlY 8rOK3|\| N3\/\/ 9R0u|\||) IF yOu''\/3 G0t 4 94mE TH4T LoO|{5 l1|{E 5O|\/|e S0RT Of cL0|\|E @N|) I+''5 90+ A clIChe n@|\/|e.
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i5 T3h iN1+4L I|)34.

1 CoLLEc+ 1|)eA5,1 cOn5+4n+ly w4it 4|\||) |)15g4r|) 3\/3ryth1|\|9 T|-|@T i5|\|''T jU5+ w|-|@+ I \/\/4|\|+ FRo|\/| 4 9Am3.
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thE 0|\|ly 1de45 1 rE4LlY |{33P aRe 0|\|ES tH@T 8R1N9 $OMeth1|\|g +o+@lLy n3\/\/.
+hi$ 1$ \/\/|-|@t J00 R3AllY |\|33|) pHOR $UCCe$s,t1TL35 +|-|@t PHly 0PhPH $|-|ELV35 JusT C@u$3 0ph t3|-| co|\|cep+. (+|-|3rE''5 50 MuCH th4+ c0Uld bE |)o|\|3,@|\||) n0 on3 dO35 1t,1 mE4n tHi5 15N''+ L1|{E muSIc w|-|ere t|-|Ere 4R3 12 |\|OT35,A|\||) PRet+Y |\/|Uc|-| EvEry c|-|0r|) Pr0ge5Si0|\| |-|4$ 4lR3@|)y be3|\| |)o|\|e. @|-|h|-|H|-|!!.1t dri\/35 |\/|e |\|U+$,it''5 N0T 3v3N LI|{3 i''|\/| 4 93|\|1U$ or @nyth1Ng, 1T''5 JU5T +|-|4+ |\/|0$+ 0ph J00 Do|\|''t h4Ve 4 ******* cLU3.)
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1.E 1|\| |\/|0\/1e5,Y0U U5u@lLy |-|@\/3 +o0 P1+CH 4|\| 1|)e4 +0 $0|\/|e0|\|3.
I+ H45 +o 83 50 g00|) \/\/1+|-|1n @ F3\/\/ $EnT3|\|cE5 t|-|eY AlR3@Dy LI|{3 1T.
1N 9@M35 j00 0Fte|\| |)3cid3 o\/er 5om3 l@iD 8@C|{ M3ET1|\|G$,\/\/H4+ Teh |\|E}{+ pl@|\| I5.+He Pr08lEm \/\/1th +h1$ 15 1+''5 v3Ry L41d84cK.
+|-|3R3 1$ |\|0 r3@l cre4+1VE c3|\|+R3,Ju$t c0nc3|\|5u$.
y0u |\|3e|) 0|\|E 0R 4T +|-|3 m0$+ uP tO T|-|RE3 |)E$IG|\|er5,W|-|0 |)ISCU$$ t|-|iN95 Ph1r5+ 5ol3y O|\| 4 C0|\|CEp+ LE\/el.+|-|eN +|-|1Nk @BoUt \/4rI0U$ tEch|\|IC4l i$5U35.
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4nD C|-|4r3c+3R5/8451c pLo+ 3.T.C iph |\|33|)3d.
3VERYth1|\|G El53 S|-|oUL|)|\|''t 3\/3|\| cOm3 1N+0 Y0UR |\/|1|\|d till +|-|4+ M4|{3$ j00 |)RooL.
th3|\| 1+''$ t1Me TO WORRY @BOUt 3FPhecT5,|\/|@P$,P|-|Y51c5 \/\/Ea+|-|3R j00 \/\/4n+ \/01C30\/ER$ 0R 5u8t1+LE$.wE@tHer J00 \/\/4nT +|-|e l@+ES+ 1|\| 5|-|4d3|), 8UMp m@PPed G0oD|\|355 0R \/\/34+h3R +|-|3 c|-|@r3c+er5 $|-|OuLd CLU+C|-| tH1Er Bo|)y p4rt5 \/\/|-|EN T|-|ey 93+ $hOT I|\| +H@T 4R34.
0R wH4+e\/Er IT I5 t|-|@+ r3le@se$ te|-| 484|\|doN oF 4LL c0nc3PT Of \/\/H@+ +|-|3 EnD Pr0|)UcT 1s 9oi|\|9 +0 b3 lI|{e, i|\| @ lo+ 0ph +h3 g@|\/|e$ I pL4y.

4|\|Yw4Y +|-|4t B45icAllY 3XplA1nS 4 LO+ @80u+ |\/|E 4N|) PR08@8lY 4 lOt OPh Ot|-|3R phrU5trAtEd c@p4BLe |)3SiG|\|er$,+|-|4T j00 arE 4ll to Kwic|{ +0 fL4ME.
|\|0\/\/ J00 |\/|iG|-|T 5+1Ll be +h1NK1N9 "ri9|-|+ tH4T \/eRY niCE,8U+ \/\/H4t |)o J00 |{|\|ow 480U+ M@|{IN9 9@|\/|e$?"
|\|0\/\/ 4$ 1 5aI|) i u|\||)3R$+4|\||) peoPlE 5O 1 C@|\| IM@G1|\|e w|-|y.

prO9R@|\/|MEr$ 4rE R34lLy the |\/|05t 5kILlE|) |\/|eM8ER5 4nD T|-|3y d0 T3|-| M05+ Re@L \/\/0R|{ i|\| t3|-| \/\/|-|OlE +34|\/|.
i cA|\| 1|\/|@gIN3 IPH I W4$ 4 t4le|\|+e|) proGrAm|\/|Er,wH0 W@5N''T r3ally +|-|4t 900D @+ |)e519n @|\||) 5om3 up5tArT, "1 clOcK3D h4lFl1Ph3 1|\| 23 minu+e5,a|\||) 1 Kn0w E\/3rYT|-|1|\|G 480uT G@|\/|eS @|\||) c@|\| |\/|@ke +|-|3 BE5T35+ Ga|\/|e$ 3\/3R 3\/3R." 9Uy C@ME 4lOnG @n|) @cTu4LLY 9o+ 4 j0b
B3cAU53 h3 R34lLY \/\/@$ jUst Li|{E 4 5+r41g|-|T creaT1\/E 9e|\|IuS,cOUl|) JU5t P0p 0ff $TUPhPH @|\|Y+1|\/|E for 4nY E|\|91|\|e 4|\|D spEC 4ND I+''|) 8e +|-|e b35+.0|\|LY PrO8LE|\/| 15 |-|e |)03$|\|''+ KN0\/\/ 5H1+,I''\/3 G0T to |\/|3|\|T0r hIM,H0l|) |-|15 h4N|),@n|) @+ thE 54|\/|3 +1|\/|3 t|-|3 guY doES N0+|-|1NG C0|\/|P4RA8l3 +0 +|-|E ephPh0Rt 1 pU+ iN,y3+ gE+$ A $1m1laR Cu+.
I''|) 8e lIv1D.

n0\/\/ +|-|1s iS 4 W0R5E C@Se 5C3|\|@r1O,bUT I''m 5uR3 S0Me \/\/|-|3r3 |)e3P do\/\/n tHEr3 @ loT Of j00 4re @ctU4LlY 5c4re|) +|-|I$ coUl|) |-|4pPen.
1+''5 Ju$+ @|\| 4S5U|\/|ptI0n b@s3|) 0N p05t$ 8UT it''5 my 8ESt gue55 f0R $0|\/|E 0F +|-|3 4++I+U|)E +OW@r|)$ $0l3 |)3$I9|\|Er5.

|\|0w W|-|eR3 +H15 L34\/e$ PEOPL3 l1|{e |\/|Y5ELf \/\/H0 @rE RE@lly |\|0thi|\|9 l1K3 tH@T 4$ ph@r a$ A++I+ude @nD |)3DIc4tI0|\|.
I5 +|-|4+ \/\/3 |-|4\/e To R350Rt +0 ei+Her po5t1Ng a R3ally 9oO|) 1dE4,
|-|eRe f0r t|-|3 \/\/0RL|) +0O $3e.0R +|-|I$

NOw @5 FAr @$ |\/|Y C|-|4n93 0pH L1pHe5+yL3 4|\||) \/\/|-|y 1 c4|\/|e |-|Ere.
8A51c@LlY Th3 RE4S0|\| 1 c4n +4L|{ 0F K1d5 \/\/|-|0 |-|4v3 Gr3@T iD34s bu+ K|\|Ow n0T|-|i|\|g 4nD |\|e3|) |\/|E|\|+OrI|\|9 15 B3c4u53 I''\/E 833|\| t|-|erE.
i tR1e|) wh3|\| 1 \/\/45 15-16 Y34R5 0LD +o g3+ 4 JOB 1|\| @ g4|\/|3 C0Mp4|\|Y.i 53|\|+ 0u+ lett3R5 +o 4LL mY ph4V C0Mp@|\|1E5 4T t|-|E +I|\/|E.
(1 |)iDn''+ 3\/e|\| K|\|0\/\/ T|-|e |)IPhPheRe|\|ce 83T\/\/EeN +eH |)EVelOpEr$ 4N|) PubL15|-|Er$ B4CK +|-|3|\| )
JU$T GIviNG oFPh 4 l04|) 0f hyPEr4cti\/E,tEe|\|@G3,1 pL4y 94|\/|35 @lL t|-|E t1Me,I''|\/| a 94M3 |)EsI9|\| |\/|4$+er,i R0c|{,1 jU5+ W@|\|+ 4 ch4|\|c3 +o 8Re4k 1|\| 4ND 5hO\/\/ mY 5K1Llz,1''Ll T4|{3 4|\|Yt|-|InG CO|\/|InG +O 5h0\/\/ j00 |-|0w |\/|ucH 1 RUl3,9op|-|ER JOb5 w|-|4T3\/3r.
|\|e3|)L3$5 to 54Y n0 o|\|e r3PLI3|).
1 cA|\| 5eE w|-|Y,but Th4+ i$ \/\/|-|@+ Re4lLY K1LL3|) |\/|3.
1 4L\/\/4Ys e}{P3cte|) c0|\/|P@|\|1E$ W0UL|) |{ilL PH0r 50M3o|\|E yoU|\|9 lIK3 |\/|3
8uT LI|{e I''v3 5@I|) I W@s NI@V3.
t|-|3Y Ju$+ W0UL|)n''+ H@v3 h4|) t|-|3 +i|\/|e +O 4PpreNTIC3 |\/|e Or @nY+|-|1n9 4ND 4ny\/\/ay \/\/|-|0 5@y$ i \/\/0ULdN''+ gEt 5C4re|) 0PHf.
B4c|{ +HEn 4ny\/\/4y T|-|3r3 \/\/h3R3 |\|o r34L Te5+3r jo85,I+ \/\/4s @lL 5|\/|4ll a|\|d it s3E|\/|3|) LiKE +|-|3Re \/\/|-|Er3 0|\|LY 3\/Er @ 5m4LL gR0up 0Ph @ PHe\/\/ +35TER5,\/\/ho \/\/e''rE @ll 5o|\/|E \/\/@Y l1T3R4+e I|\| Co|)E.

4+ +|-|e 4G3 0f 13 1 R3Al15e|) 1 \/\/45 4 |\|4tUr4l |\/|uS1c1@n.
i h@|) @L\/\/ay$ sU|\|G BUt |\|E\/3R rE4lly @Ny+H1|\|9 M4j0r,1 ju$t U5ed +0 5I|\|g 4L0|\|9 tO $TUFph 4nD kn3\/\/ i h@|) 4 PR3+tY 90oD voIC3.
i p1C|{3D UP a GU1t4r @t t|-|15 +1M3,4|\|d 4$ 5O0|\| @5 1 cOuL|) gE+ |\/|y fI|\|g3R$ i|\| Po5ITiO|\| I re4l153D I h4d @ $er10U5 34R.
1 Pl4Y3|) 1n b4N|)5 4|\|D GIGGe|) \/\/Rot3 |\/|ateR14L 3.T.C.
T|-|e|\| I gr3\/\/ uP 4S 1 $4ID aR0u|\||) 16-17, I rEALI53|) E}{4CTLY |-|0\/\/ |\/|uc|-| 3fF0rt 1+ WouLd +4K3 tO B3 @ R34LLy G0o|) |\/|u5Ic1@|\|,4|\|D b3Ing d1$GRu|\|+lED w1+h T3|-| g@M35 1N|)U5+ry.i PhI9UrED 1''|) G1vE MU$iC @ 90 $3rIOu$ly @N|) +Ry 4|\||) 9ET I|\|+0 9@|\/|35 4pht3R 1''D M4d3 5O|\/|E |\/|0|\|3Y 0fph 4|\| @LbU|\/| oR T\/\/o.
+h3 Pr08l3|\/| 15 \/\/|-|3|\| 1 5t4r+3D T0 th1nK 480U+ I+ 53rI0u5ly 1 reAlISe|).1 \/\/An+e|) +0O |)0 50|\/|eT|-|1|\|G Co|\/|PlE+ly |\|eW,ANd 8reA|{ 4w@y FRO|\/| t3H r0}{0R B@|\||)5 1 \/\/@$ 1|\|.
1t''$ W4S JU5t 93T+1NG T0 T|-|e 5+aGE \/\/|-|eR3 tH3Re \/\/45 $o|\/|3 900d |\/|USIC 5oFT\/\/4Re O|\| pC 4|\|D @ff0r|)ABl3 3KWip|\/|e|\|+.50 i |)ECiD3D t0 d1+CH T|-|E 8@n|) @|\||) le4r|\| Pr0|)UctI0n I|\| 4n ePHPhoR+ +O 3V3ntu@LlY |\/|45tEr|\/|I|\||) 4 Vi$1O|\| 1 |-|4|) 0f a li\/3 electr0nic 84|\|D.
+|-|3 R35T i5 NOn 355enT14L RE4LlY $0 I''Ll cuT I+ 5|-|ort,1 5T1LL W@|\|T +O0 M4K3 T|-|15 84|\|D,
8uT @+ t|-|3 m0|\/|3|\|+ +3|-| $+4+3 0ph +|-|3 In|)u$Try I$ $UC|-| 50 +H@+ |\/|4|{I|\|G @ny M0|\|ey Ou+ 0f |\/|u51c 1$ siLLY \/\/1th0U+ +|-|3 MOs+ 1|\/|MEN$3 4|\/|Ou|\|+ 0F co|\|+rOL PHrE@kERY,@|\|Yw@y 1 goT 900D 4+ pR0|)uc+10n R34lLy 9O0|),4Nd F1n4Lly Go+ t|-|E 5K1Ll5 I NEEDE|),r34l1SED 1 \/\/4$ h@r|)3R +|-|4n 1 3}{pect3|) 4|\||) wA5 9Oi|\|9 +o N33|) M0r3 |\/|US1cia|\|5 opH 4|\| 3}{C3P+1ON4L C4Li8RE.$o 1+ 1$n''T G01|\|g @|\|Y\/\/Her3 I Do|\|''+ +Hi|\||{ 480U+ Mu51c CoM|\/|3rci4lLY A|\|ymOR3 1 Ju5+ d0 It c4UsE I LOVE 1T 4|\||) trY |\|0+ T0 LEt 1t OCCuPy |\/|y l1PHe.
+H3 R345O|\| +|-|I5 15 1|\/|P0r+4|\|t ,15 83C4u5e it 3}{pl41n$ \/\/HY i G0+ 8@CK 1N+0 c0mpu+3R5.
muSic pRo|)ucT10|\| Is |-|4R|),4n|) 5OMe+|-|1|\|G i \/\/45|\|''+ u5eD +00.
1+ +ur|\|3D |\/|3 fr0|\/| 4 c0|\/|pLeT3 i OnLy u53 4c1d (+h3 Lo0p B45ED |\/|U$iC pRO9r@|\/|) i|\| C@53 J00 G3T cONfu53D,4N|) Pl@Y 9Am35.
+0 i E@+ o5CILl@ToR5 4|\||) PHILterS ph0R bre@KF@5t 4N|) M@|{3 My p\/\/|\| LiT35TEP t|-|e|\/|35,c4$E |\/|OD My Co|\/|PU+3R.L1\/3 BRE@T|-|3 P.C ,
1 lO\/3 co|\/|Pu+3r5 |\|0w,i C@n fI|\||) |\/|Y \/\/4y r0Und @|\|Y pr09R4|\/| PH1R5+ L0Ok.1 le@R|\|t |-|tml (wYSiWyg) 4nD phl4$|-| \/\/eb |)35I9|\|,84$iC J@v@-scRip+ TO @ D@mn fi|\|3 5t@N|)@R|),IN 3 |\/|0|\|+|-|5.
83C4U5e 0F tH1s 1 |{N0\/\/ ph0tO5|-|oP 4|\||) 1Llu5+RAt0R,
1 |)1D @ l0+ 0F @B$tr4CT exP3RIM3|\|t4L 5tuFPh \/\/iTH 3|),$O 1 g0+ To0 |{|\|0w @ L0+ 0F +|-|In9s TH@T a1De|) |\/|e 1|\| F1n4lly U|\||)3r$t4n|)1Ng 94|\/|3 d3vEl0P|\/|e|\|+ TOO 4 r34LI5+IC4llY CO|\/|P3+e|\|T L3VEL.
aLT|-|0ug|-| +he B19g3s+ 5TEP |-|A5 83en veNTuR1|\|g,1N+0 U|\||)3r5Ta|\|di|\|9 pR0GrA|\/|m1|\|g,@n|) +HE R3AL iN|\|ER\/\/0Rk1|\|9 OpH m@|{i|\|G @ 9@M3,FRO|\/| 51+e5 LIke tHI$ @|\||) 94|\/|45U+R@,4|\||) lOoKinG 4+ 94me e|\|91N35.
g3N3rALlY U|\||)3r5+@|\||)1|\|g c0|\|C3pt5,m05+LY L1MiT4+i0n5.
$tupHf l1|{3 CUlLI|\|G,|\/|o|)eLi|\|9,@N1m4+IO|\|.YoU n4|\/|E I+ I 4+ lE@5t H@V3 4 ClUE.
\/\/|-|1CH i D1|)n''+ r34llY @ Y3AR 490,|\|Ot 3|\|0uG|-|.
4ltHoUGh j00 m1ghT t|-|I|\|K 1 \/\/@|\|T +oo Be 4 +34|\/| l3@DEr OR 50m3+|-|ING.1 @C+U4LLy \/\/0uLD R@+|-|3r Ju5+ BE 4 |)3$IgnEr U|\|DeR @ PRoJ3Ct l3A|),3\/3|\| 1pH 1 pHu|\||)e|) +he PrOjEC+.
1 JU$+ dO|\|''t Li|{3 8E1|\|9 0u+ 0pH |\/|Y |)3p+h,4|\||) dO|\|''T w4|\|+ T00 |\/|4|{E Pr0C3553S A|\|Y L0|\|93r 8Y C0|\|s+4|\|+ Tr@N$LATion.
OBvI0U5LY iPh 4 pR09R4|\/||\/|3R''5 G0+ 4 8U9 i|\| THier C0|)E I''M |\|O+ +HE |\/|@N Too A5K,8UT 1 WouL|)|\|''+ \/\/@Nt TOO \/\/45TE Ti|\/|e BY n0T K|\|OW1n9 |\/|Y |\/|3dium.
|\|0W W|-|4T +|-|E |-|Ell H4Ve i GO+ \/\/RO|\|9?
I eXpEC+ +0o c0|\/|e so|\/|3\/\/heR3 li|{E HEr3 4|\||) Re4Lly PHi|\|d AT L34$T 4 phE\/\/ p3eP5 \/\/|-|o h4VE 0p3|\| mI|\||)5.
|\/|Y 1D3a \/\/45 +|-|iS
4ll I wa|\|T TOo |)0 I5 M4K3 aT lE@5+ 5 0F |\/|y Ide4$,Th4+ 15 mY @M8ITIO|\|.1''|\/| \/\/0r|{I|\|G 0N A bu5i|\|E55 Pl@n |\|0\/\/,+0o +RY 4|\|d geT 3|\|OU9h c4s|-| to p@Y F0r D3V 0Ph 0|\|E TiTLe (0|\|cE 49@1|\|,1''|\/| |\|0+ +@L|{I|\|9 BuLL,0R +4L|{1|\|9 C|-|Ump cH4|\|93),8ut TH1$ i$ Li+3RaLLy |{illi|\|G |\/|e.1 @m R34lly 83Tt3r 4+ 8u5IN3$5 +|-|4|\| 94M3 |)E$IG|\|,8uT TE|-| pr0Bl3|\/|$ I|\|vOLvE|) 4R3 KILl1|\|9 |\/|E,1 H4\/e |\|eX+ tO NO C4pi+@L 50 4VoidI|\|G 93T+1|\|9 r1PP3|) ophph I$ |\|E@R IMpO551Bl3,An|) H45 L34d tO 4 |\|ErVOu$ 8reA|{D0W|\| 0N |\/|Y P@RT 0\/3R +e|-| ComplicA+1o|\|5.
I +HOug|-|+ i M1Gh+ h4\/E M0R3 luc|{ +ry1ng +0 FI|\||) 4 +34m +|-|4+ 15 c4PA8le Oph pu++1|\|G T093+|-|3R @ 1 L3VEl 3pI5I0DiC 9@|\/|E Fr0M 4|\| C0|\/|M3RCiAl 3|\|91N3,a|\||) CU+ 0U+ 4Ll +3|-| 8ULl.(c4p@8LE pRO9R4|\/||\/|3r5,\/\/|-|O ju5+ \/\/4nt +Oo CUT +h1ER tE3+|-| o|\| $0|\/|E+H1n9 a 81+ $1|\/|PL3r.)
t|-|E 3|\|9i|\|3 \/\/0uLd B3 LIc3NceD +0 u5 0N 4 Roy@lTy Ba5e|) cO|\|tR@cT. (lIT|-|+3C|-|5 3.T.c)
(\/\/h4+ |-|4\/3 TH3y gOT TO l0$E?.)
i c@M3 up wiT|-| 4n I|)E4 fOr 4 Goo|) 3P150|)Ic ,|\/|UL+IPL4Y3R G4me,
|)IStRI8uT3|) T|-|ROuG|-| T3|-| |\|3+ w1TH |\|o pUbLI5h3r.4 c0Mpl3tlY gR0u|\|D 8r34|{ING $3+ 0f 5tR4+@g1E5 pHOr |\/|4|{1|\|9 m0|\|eY,4ll I |\|EeDed \/\/45 4 $0|\/|3 c0|\|T4ct5 wITH p30PL3,@|\||) t|-|e|\| +4k3 iT pHrO|\/| +|-|3R3 1|\| @n @+tempT t0 pULL it t0gE+heR 1F It f3l+ R19ht.
i''M 4L50 \/\/oR|{i|\|g 0n @|\|0T|-|eR 8u5i|\|e55 1|)e4 nO\/\/ \/\/|-|iC|-| 1$ \/\/hy 1 s4y t|-|i5 i5 mY La$t P05+,83c@uSe 1''d r@Ther G0 0ut @N|) |\/|4|{e En0U9h c45|-| +o 3|\|t1C3 t@Le|\|t,1Ph iT''5 90IN9 +00 RekWIR3 +h15 |\/|uc|-| 3PHPhOr+ jU$T Too PHi|\|D S0m3 c@P4blE Pe0PlE.
1 w0uLd|\|''T 3\/3|\| c@r3 if P3OPL3 D1|)|\|''+ W4|\|+ t00 w0rk on My 1DE4,u53 my bU$1ne$s |\/|oD3l,\/\/3''D t4k3 @ D1$c1$I0n 0|\| teh typE Of 9aMe wE''|) LikE,An|) 1 C0|\/|3 UP \/\/1t|-| @ |)oC pH0R tH4T.
1 c@|\| PR3+TY |\/|UCh |)E519|\| 4|\|Y+|-|1n9 4nd |\/|@kE 1t kwIt3 A 8it |\/|Ore I|\||\|oV@+i\/3,\/\/i+|-|ou+ |\/|uc|-| H@5Tl3.(0|{ 1|\/|hO i''|) prO848lY B3LIE\/E mY 1|)34 W45 b3t+3r BeC@U$3 It \/\/45|\|''+ RU$H3D.),8ut 1 coUld 3\/3n |\/|@|{E 4 \/3Ry $T4N|)4Rd Id3@,In+0 $0|\/|ET|-|1N9 \/3RY 5UCC355PhuL.
1+''$ ALL 4B0uT 9@|\/|3pL4Y l1KE I 541d 0BV1ou$lY (li|{e +h3 MU5iC I|\||)U$Try) IPh j00 H@\/n''+ 9ot @ Re4LlY gRe4+ PaC|{493 +|-|3n ju5+ DRE$5 1+ UP |\|IcE, 4Nd |\/|@rK3T 1t 3pHf3c+1vLy.
Well 1 TR1e|),1 HA\/|\|''T 90T +1|\/|E, i+ \/\/4$ a 5|-|0t 1|\| T3h d4rk.
1 c4n''t @Ffor|) j3oP4Rdi51NG My 8uSin35$ Pl4|\|,Ju$+ +00 E|\|d UP $1TTi|\|G |-|ErE 3 Y3@R5 FR0|\/| |\|Ow 5+ilL lOoKIn9 ph0r pE0PLe.
I |-|oP3 j00 G3T |\/|y PO1NT$ +|-|ou9|-|, 4 l0T 4rE V3ry gO0|) 4|\|D +|-|3 B@$i5 OPH My whoL3 P|-|ilo50phy ON T|-|3 AR+ oF 94|\/|E De519n.
5O IPh J00 5+ILl C@|\|''+ C0ME uP \/\/i+H or191|\|4L id345,i |)0UBT J00 W1Ll.
n0 4rR0G4NC3 1|\|tE|\||)3|),1+''s Ju5+ 1t''$ rE@lly 5pecI4LI5e|) W0R|{ (Y0u |\/|u$T 83 4BL3 +0O R3l4t3 to +eh |\/|4R|{3+,\/\/hic|-| |\/|E4|\|5 1+''5 4c+U4llY NOt tH4+ 9o0|) T0 b3 +o0 $m4Rt , 0r t00 3L173) L0l,1''M jU$T R3pHEr1n9 To guys \/\/|-|o fr3KWe|\|+ +eh 804R|),@|\|d Mo$TLy t3|-| c|-|4n, W|-|0 +H1nK j00 |\/|usT b3 @ Lo5Er 1ph j00 |)0|\|''T u$E R3D|-|4T

@Nyw4Y +H@+''5 It |\/|y r4N+ I5 0\/eR.
i Hav3 T0O \/\/ORk on |\/|Y bU$i|\|355 Pl4|\|.
bUS1N3$5 l091c 4|\||) 9@M3 |)E51gN 4rE rE4LlY \/erY $Imil@r,BU+ 1n 8U51|\|3$5 J00 4rE C0n5t4NtlY cOMPe+1|\|g,i|\| 4r345 J00 |-|@\/3 L1+Tle cO|\|TroL 0V3R,ph1|\|@nC3,|\/|4r|{3+I|\|G,NETW0r|{i|\|9 3.t.c. e.+.C
1|\| 94|\/|3 de519|\| 4 g0o|) 9@|\/|E iS @ gO0|) 94m3,4nD 1''\/3 H@|) 3|\|0u9H $+r3$5 aLRE@Dy foR 0|\|e LIf3T1mE.(I 533 |\/|u51C n0w 45 |\/|y H0BbY,+|-|3RE 4re 0t|-|Er t|-|1N9s +|-|A+ i''|) b3 KWIT3 g0OD 4t 8Ut |\/|y |-|34rt iS|\|''t R3@Lly I|\| it,Li|{e 4|)\/eRTi5i|\|9,m4R|{E+1|\|g,
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4Ny\/\/@y 1 8eL13\/E,T|-|AT if tH3R3''$ @NyON3 0uT +h3R3 (1.E 9o0D Pro9ra|\/||\/|3r5,\/\/HO CaR3 |\/|0r3 4BOuT tH1Er |-|e@r+, Th@|\| +|-|ier Poc|{ET5),T|-|is i5 +he 0|\|Ly \/\/4Y +0O 9Et 1n+3RE5t,\/\/iTh0Ut W4$+InG @NY|\/|0rE +1|\/|E.

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Yes and it also appears there are lamers with 3li73ifcation algorithms.Hehe did you write it yourself,or just use your how 2 b a lamer irc script?

That''s how you back up your creativity and talent,and you guys still wonder why I''ve had enough of the attitude here.
I''m not bitter,I''m just frustrated.
"There's so much to do, and a lot of you are wasting time.This is ART dagnammit! get creative or get buried."
I have a suspicion that you will have a similar reaction from *any* forum you visit, not just this one. In fact, I suspect some forums will give you a far worse flaming than you have had here. Furthermore, if your real life behviour bears any resemblance to your behaviour on these boards then I suspect that you will horribly fail even if you are paying programmers to work for you.

Every post I read of yours sounds more pompous and arrogant than the last. Not to mention insulting. I fail to see how you can hope to hold together a team of programmers and artists long enough to develop a game of pong, let alone an AAA quality game title with your attitude. A little humility goes a long way, particularly when dealing with programmers who often have large enough egos of their own.

Finally, you have displayed a complete disdain for the community on this board. You have made broad generalizations about how most of us have no clue, and how we all lack your godlike designing skills and so forth. How long have you been visiting this board? Not too long I am guessing. You also seem to forget that many of us are in the same boat as you - we are currently hobbyist developers, but ultimately, we want to get into the game design industry. You accuse us of lacking initiative, which I find somewhat amusing, since we are the ones actually trying to realise our ideas, you are the one bitching about how no one wants to write your game for you.

I'll reiterate what I said in an earlier post. The game industry does not owe you a job as a designer, however talented you may be. If I went on to a political forum, and said "I am really good at speeches and leadership and stuff, I should be prime minister" I would expect flames, or at least a wake up call. If I genuinely wanted to become a prime minister badly enough, I would expect to go through the same channels as every one else who becomes prime minister.

Edited by - Sandman on January 14, 2002 11:47:26 AM
Ok, at this point is there anyone still taking this guy seriously?

DARN! why do I keep reading this?!

Edited by - kwizatz on January 14, 2002 12:03:51 PM
I don´t think there´s much hope left, a lot of people actually tried to give you useful advice (some more tactful, some less tactful), but in the end you managed to annoy them all off.

If this is not the kind of crowd you´re looking for, sorry. But even if they are mostly hobbyists and people trying to get into the industry (like you), there is a lot of knowledge, skill and potential out there. And I doubt that you are smarter than everyone else here, everyone can learn a thing or two around here.
Then there are some who actually work in game development (like me) who have tried to give you (and all others like you) some advice, which you chose to ignore. It´s your choice, but as long as you´ve got your attitude to drag you down you´ve got a snowball´s chance in hell of ever becoming a pro in this field.

And if you didn´t notice, the 1337ified post was your own, which I find rather fitting because you do seem to think that you are smarter than everyone else.... and you do seem bitter, you haven´t seen the attempts at positive feedback, have you?
Original post by Muzikus
I''m sorry really my biggest mistake was not knowing you got so many wannabies here,I only wish I had the time to sit here washing off tar.

No, your biggest mistake was completely misreading the community and thinking this was a "recruit your programmers here" forum. You say "wannabies", that''s HIGHLY insulting. I''m not even a wannabee. I have absolutely NO interest in entering the game industry professionally AT ALL. I simply have an interest in Game Design. I love throwing a lot of ideas into the forum, to be bounced at a lot of other people with good ideas. Some of these people may actually want to develop some games, maybe some are even in the process of doing so. If my ideas help them, that''s GREAT. I don''t even want credit for it. I just want to do my share, and use what little brain power I have to help people with initiative make the games I''d like to see. Maybe they hate the ideas I have, maybe they think "hey, that''s a cool idea, but what if I tried THIS..."... it doesn''t matter. As long as they think about what I''ve put forward, and consider if it could have a positive effect on their game.

Now, reading your posts (and again, there''s now a second mysteriously well-formatted post on this page, making me think that perhaps you were deliberately trying to sound incoherent, or perhaps you REALLY have a serious stress problem), you sound a lot like you want to "take" a lot (having programmers/artists produce YOUR ideas), but don''t want to "give" much back in the way of having good ideas about gameplay aspects being discussed here. That''s probably slightly misreading you - I suspect your posts are coloured that way due to a deep-seated desire to make a game company and have it WORK. Your own comments about having a nervous breakdown seem to support that - you REALLY want this idea of you to take off. That''s good! Passion is absolutely a necessity for starting your own business. It''s one of the reasons that I''ve opted out of doing that myself - I don''t have the drive.
But, this forum is not a corporate forum, it''s a think-tank. We, in general, have little patience with people who are not willing to share ideas with the rest of the forum, because of motives of financial game. Most of us (99% or thereabouts I''d venture) are not financially dependent on game design or development, and would not WANT to be, because it''s a cutthroat, make-or-break industry. You DO want to be, and it puts you in an entirely different class of poster. It makes you SEEM like a corporate shark in here, because we''re used to the open sharing of ideas.

You came here with the wrong preconception of the kind of people we are. We viewed your post with the wrong preconception of the person you are.

That''s not meant as an insult or criticism, it''s just an observation. I suggest, that if you''re really entirely unwilling to spend any time discussing ideas with other people (hence also being open to other people''s ideas on game design), that you probably will never find a listening ear on these boards. It simply is not what we stand for. It''s just a community of people with a passion for games and a willingness to try their hand at making one.

People might not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
How about a change in direction. How about I start a developers
lab where developers could come and use equipment and software.
to save them the $$$ to rent space they could come to a rentivated scool where each room could be an office unto itself
for about the price of a mini stoage unit. If I can promote this properly I can start with about 30 rooms.

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