Artists are lazy?
You are congregating with the wrong artists. Web developers most likely, or possibly College Artists.
Get with a real artist. There are alot of lazy artists like their are alot of lazy programmers. Ive met and worked with both.
I wouldn''t make such broad statements about Artists.. we help make this industry what it is today. Would love to see what games would be today without artists around.
I have no more time for closed minds,here's a key.Hope it fits. ;)
January 10, 2002 04:11 PM
"Damn right! Art time is free time. Plus, they never have to stick around till 6 in the morning to make sure a build goes off successfully. They''re strictly 40hr/wk types, well, minus the 2 hour lunch breaks at the pub."
Where the hell do you work? You ever seen the schedule of an artist at Disney, ILM, Dreamworks, Pixar, Lionhead, Blizzard, or any other REAl development studio?
I have worked PLENTY of 18 hour days to get art work completed on time... PLENTY. and if you have to stick around until 6 am to make sure a build gets done, maybe you should get to reading some better methods of programming.. or find a Project lead that can set realistic deadlines.
Not sure where your problems Lay, but either way, just because you write buggy code and need to stay up until 6 doesn''t mean an artist needs to stay with you.
If an artist works within his 40 hours and completes his job.. then kudos to him. Maybe he is just GOOD? never crossed your mind eh? That maybe someone doesn''t have to take a week to finish a simple task.
I hardly EVER hear that a game is released late due to art resources not being ready. Now who are the lazy ones? who is complaining about late hours? Not me.
Where the hell do you work? You ever seen the schedule of an artist at Disney, ILM, Dreamworks, Pixar, Lionhead, Blizzard, or any other REAl development studio?
I have worked PLENTY of 18 hour days to get art work completed on time... PLENTY. and if you have to stick around until 6 am to make sure a build gets done, maybe you should get to reading some better methods of programming.. or find a Project lead that can set realistic deadlines.
Not sure where your problems Lay, but either way, just because you write buggy code and need to stay up until 6 doesn''t mean an artist needs to stay with you.
If an artist works within his 40 hours and completes his job.. then kudos to him. Maybe he is just GOOD? never crossed your mind eh? That maybe someone doesn''t have to take a week to finish a simple task.
I hardly EVER hear that a game is released late due to art resources not being ready. Now who are the lazy ones? who is complaining about late hours? Not me.
Tacit: The job examples, in the other thread, highlight the problems with the various ways people can define the term ''Games Designer''. One companies ''Games Designer'' is anothers ''Level Designer'' or ''Level Builder'' or ''(insert x here)''.
Given the tone and content of the original post, this example would probably better fit aspiring ''Game Designers'' expectations:
Given the tone and content of the original post, this example would probably better fit aspiring ''Game Designers'' expectations:
And your example at Codemasters is very interesting because it''s a game designer position with a fairly high level of influence (only reporting to a ''chief'' games designer''), and yet the job doesn''t require industry experience.
And your example at Codemasters is very interesting because it''s a game designer position with a fairly high level of influence (only reporting to a ''chief'' games designer''), and yet the job doesn''t require industry experience.
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Original post by Kwizatz
the reason designer wanna be''s get flamed around here is ... that a designer is like a movie director, everyone wants to be a movie director, and anyone thinks they could direct a movie, thats why there are so many self called directors, that have never done the job of a stand in, well, good directors know how to operate a camera, know how to act, know how to edit, etc etc, they dont just direct, they have to be involved in all levels.
Yeah... to rephrase that, the wanna-be designers are the people who want to make all the decisions and see their vision, without ever having to do their work. Like an artist who never wants to touch a paintbrush or pencil. But somehow they seem to think that their ideas are good enough.
The reason a wannabe programmer gets help and a wannabe designer gets flamed, is because most wannabe programmers are willing to get their hands dirty and actually try and create something. Wannabe designers just like to complain about how they are undervalued.
As you said, a good designer is one who will dip into the other disciplines and actually get involved. It is just a shame that so many people just like to complain that "the industry" rejects them or whatever, instead of pitching in to make a difference for themselves.
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quote:You''re funny!
Original post by Muzikus
...I see myself as having a gift...I would find making games easy...I started to become serious...trying to draw levels and traps...I was a smart dreamer who had talent...I knew nothing of programming...I was hopelessly inept in maths,and physics...getting kicked out for being disruptive and generally non conformist...I''ve had enough of wasting my speeling is probably terrible...
More importantly, I should reiterate what''s been said so far, but by the looks of your post it would be a waste of time.
I think that my only fresh comment is that you are not in a position to talk about closed minds.

Are you in support of the ban of Dihydrogen Monoxide? You should be!
George D. Filiotis
George D. Filiotis
January 11, 2002 02:02 AM
Hehe this guy thinks hes good at everything:
"I''m a game design master"
"At the age of 13 I realised I was a natural musician."
"I can pretty much design anything"
...I doubt all of these.
"I''m a game design master"
"At the age of 13 I realised I was a natural musician."
"I can pretty much design anything"
...I doubt all of these.
quote:I got the impression that he was kidding, but I could be wrong.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Artists are lazy?
The artists where I work are there as much as the programmers. In fact, I called once called in sick at 3 am on a Monday, expecting to leave a message, and was surprised when one of our artists answered.
On the perennial Artists vs Programmers thread: I''m a Comp. Scientist, with a bit of artistic talent. I''d MUCH rather do the programming than the art on a game project - the amount of skill and creativity needed for good artwork is humongous compared to programming. You can always keep the manual handy, and if you are even a half-arsed programmer, you''ll get the job done (slowly). However, with art, you have it or you don''t. Some artists REALLY have it, and come up with stuff so quickly you''d THINK they are lazy because they always go home on time. That''s just because they know what they are doing 
Even after 2 years working professionally as a programmer, I sometimes still think I work like a complete amateur.

Even after 2 years working professionally as a programmer, I sometimes still think I work like a complete amateur.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
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