
I have no more time for closed minds,here's a key.Hope it fits. ;)

Started by January 09, 2002 11:07 PM
106 comments, last by Muzikus 22 years, 11 months ago
My head hurts.

Ah, these self-righteous, self-titled "game designers." I guess they''ll learn one day.

I wanna'' ride on the pope mobile.
without wanting to appear arrogant,people seem to always find it very hard to believe that you're not just full of bull.(especially if they're smart) if you come out with stuff like I am amazing,you know everyone else; they suck!,I could do that it my sleep.

Listen to me very carefully: Talk is cheap. Anyone can say that they're the best. Everything looks easy when it's being done by someone else. The devil is in the details, my friend. It is a critically terminal mistake to underestimate the world around you. Your talent, even your potential, is defined by what you have accomplished, not by what you think you can do. I have a retarded goldfish who thinks Flipper is a wussy and laughs at him when he's on the television. Is my goldfish then the most intelligent, fastest swimming fish in the sea? In his own mind, maybe. Do you see where I'm going with this?

What's worse is that you blame everyone else for dragging you down. That's a sad excuse for not doing anything! To that I can only laugh; you sound suspiciously like someone rusting on his laurels.

I leave you with a quotation:
quote: Edmund Burke, 1729
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

The ball is in your court.

PS. Most people won't read long posts. But if you must post something of non-trivial length, please try to do so articulately . There were times while reading your post that I thought I was reading a lame attempt at poetry; other times I felt like I was correcting a grade 2 book report. Punctuation and formatting are important; your writing is careless and hence your post does little to support your claim that you are a smart and talented individual.

Edited by - Graylien on January 10, 2002 1:42:13 AM
------When thirsty for life, drink whisky. When thirsty for water, add ice.

I''ll get together with you and make a game if you want. I code C++/OpenGL so you can design something cool and i''ll pick up artists and whatnot

Pop me an email

"In Windows, the only thing opposing safe mode would be... Unsafe mode....??"
- Me

"hmm, I know the slogans "will work for food" and "will work for free", but "will pay for work I do" seems just a bit sick "
- MirekCz

"I want to do this huge ass multiplayer first person space sim rpg strategy game!!"

"With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds and open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin. I'm reaching up and reaching out. I'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me, what ever will bewilder me. And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been." - Maynard James Keenan Name: []TheBlackJester[/email]Team: Wildfire Games
Projects O A.D.The Last Alliance

Good on you BlackJester, if i was better at programming I''d join you aswell.
Aye that was just a rant in the true sense of the word.
quote: It''s not even like I''m a genius or anything, it''s just that most of you don''t have a ******* clue.

Stuff like this is just pure garbage. Everyone thinks they have good ideas, the only difference is that some will put others'' ideas down. I don''t want to be one of those people, but why don''t you start putting together some design docs and writing code instead of complaining about people being unwilling to help. If you can''t get enough money for a commercial engine, grab a free one or write your own. I''ll wager that most people on these boards comes up with half a dozen good game ideas every day. It''s getting them done that counts.
Oh look, this turned into another mega post that no one will read!

Muzikus you are quite disturbed and tormented. You also don''t know the difference between to/too and whether/weather, but that''s probably because you were busy designing Mario levels during English class.

There are three things you must know about the game industry:
1 - Making money is priority number one (hence EA''s Harry Potter)
2 - They have no idea what they want
3 - They ran out of ideas 5 years ago (again, Harry Potter)

Proof of 1: Harry Potter! My god can they ride that cash cow any longer?! I mean yes it will sell a ton of copies (age group 7-14), but how lame can you get? Gee, why don''t we just make a game off of every fad...oh wait...they have. Plus, look at every sports title on the market. They''ll sell every year just because of roster changes, the only real changes to game are cosmetic. Let''s see, we''ll simply change the front end and update the rosters, and we magically get a new game.

Proof of 2: Hell, I talked with a game company in CA that was looking for an experienced GameCube programmer. Where the HELL do they expect to find a GameCube programmer with more than a year of experience. Fools, the lot of ''em!

3: Now I''m not saying there aren''t great ideas out there, but no major studio is willing to try something really new and innovative. Well...maybe Lionhead, but Black&White sucked after the new game feel wore off an hour into it. They really just want to go with the proven winners...FPS, RTS, etc.

Don''t get me wrong, I agree with some of what you have written and see where you''re coming from. The only suggestion I can make is to forget about all that HTML and Java crap. It''s completely useless for game development. Get a good C/C++ in 21 days book, grab one of the LaMothe books, and make a demo. A good demo is the only sure fire way to get the attention of a studio. You can be a complete genious, have the best ideas or talent for programming but never get hired to do any serious work if you can''t prove your worth prior to being hired. Well, unless you''ve already got your name associated with a couple exception titles or have 3+ years of professional experience. So, this is my advice: Get your great game ideas down on paper. Try to find a novice programmer and artist (either on the internet, or try to get some connections at a nearby college). Key them in on an even split of any potential profits. And make a killer demo/game!!! Just don''t try to do more than you can in 6-12 months, it will just start to frustrate everyone the longer the project goes without any sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. And heck, if it''s starting to look promising, it shouldn''t be too hard to find a couple extra people to help finish it off.

If you start small, it shouldn''t be too hard to get something going in a short period of time. Hell, I put together a nice little 3D puzzle game in 3 months while first learning DirectX and now I''m working on a turn-based strategy game that took only 3 hours to create a decent sprite engine and after a week of development I''m ready to create fully functioning missions.

Just don''t give up, it is hard work (just like making music is - I play bass) but the rewards can be just as great to you, those involved, and everyone who will enjoy the end result.

quote: Original post by Argus
I''ll wager that most people on these boards comes up with half a dozen good game ideas every day. It''s getting them done that counts.

WHAT???? Common sense?? this cannot be! begone fiend! >:|
My god, 10 posts appeared while I wrote that! And then I went back and read all of them. I need help. 2 weeks without my other message board has made me weak. Plus, I fully agree with the anonymous posts, good work guys! Keep this boy''s spirits high!

Bill6 again.
I read your whole post. You''ve decided what you want to do. That''s a start. There is nothing wrong with believing you have what it takes and that you can be the best. Just be sure to reword it like this: I have the capability to be the best, and I might be able to achieve that if I never rest on my laurels.

I played with Tonka Toys when I was a kid. I wanted to design better ones when I was a kid. I played computer games later on in life. I knew I could improve them. Later, I was inspired by photography. I continually strive to match what I see being done by others in the photography world.

Success at business hinges on either following through despite nobody else following through or ensuring everyone else does follow through. It''s a tough world out there.


"To understand the horse you'll find that you're going to be working on yourself. The horse will give you the answers and he will question you to see if you are sure or not."
- Ray Hunt, in Think Harmony With Horses
ALU - SHRDLU - WORDNET - CYC - SWALE - AM - CD - J.M. - K.S. | CAA - BCHA - AQHA - APHA - R.H. - T.D. | 395 - SPS - GORDIE - SCMA - R.M. - G.R. - V.C. - C.F.
Only thing I would like to ask is "Are you even IN the industry?"

What frustration could you have by an industry you aren''t even a part of? If you are frustrated by something, the best way to change it is from the inside.

Jump off your pedestal, as it appears you were mistakenly placed there, and get a job in the industry. be a coffee boy, a beta tester, a programmer or whatever... doesn''t matter.

but make no mistake, unless you make your own game, you will NOT jump into a Game Designer position without an act of God.

And as for:

"Programmers are really the most skilled members and they do the most real work in the whole team."

I would suggest learning something about Game development and just HOW much artwork goes into a game. an easy way to see that is by the credits of current titles.

Artists out number Programmers 2 to 1 AT LEAST. back in the early days it was the reverse.

Anyways... I dont want to rant, but I am increasingly annoyed by the amount of sheer bulshit that flows thru message boards by unnamed individuals touting credit and skill they THINK they have.


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