

Started by January 09, 2002 08:25 AM
3 comments, last by Zols 22 years, 8 months ago
im a bigginer in lisp and i dont know much about it... do anyyone here programmed in lisp? don someone know about a good compiler/interpretator for lisp to windows? please... I need to know. Sorry at I much bad engliszh Zols
Someone asked the exact same question some days ago. You''ll have to tell us which dialect of Lisp you want to learn. Common Lisp, Scheme, e-Lisp, or another one?

If you''re looking for a Common Lisp compiler, I''d suggest CMUCL ( or, if you''re not using a *nix, CLisp ( I don''t know about any Scheme interpreter or compiler for Windows. On *nix, there are a bunch of implementations (I use Guile, even though it''s not complete, slow etc).

Hope this helps.
okej... thank you very much...
but the link to the first compiler dosent work, I try to seerch the web for it and check the other links out...

thanks again!!!!

quote: Original post by Zols
okej... thank you very much...
but the link to the first compiler dosent work, I try to seerch the web for it and check the other links out...

thanks again!!!!


What are dosents??
Scheme Lisp is also fairly popular.
------When thirsty for life, drink whisky. When thirsty for water, add ice.

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