
How to sample a R8_UINT texture in hlsl?

Started by November 30, 2024 01:07 PM
5 comments, last by Juliean 4 days, 2 hours ago

I'm a newbie in DX12 and trying to visualize Stencil buffer onto screen. I've been copied stencil plane slice into a DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT texture, but when HLSL samples this texture it just returns 0, and finally my render result is a black screen.

Here is the texture info from PIX:

and the shader code is simple:

Texture2D    gDiffuseMap : register(t0);

SamplerState gsamAnisotropicWrap  : register(s4);

float4 PS_PixelOverdraw(VertexOut pin) : SV_TARGET
    // gsamAnisotropicWrap is a static sampler
    int diffuseAlbedo = gDiffuseMap.Sample(gsamAnisotropicWrap, pin.TexC);
    float3 litcolor = diffuseAlbedo / 255.0f;
    return float4(litcolor, 1.0f);

when I debug pixel history at uv coordinate (0.321875, 0.5625), it just return 0 from Sample expression:

When sampling an UINT-texture format like you did, the result will be a “float”, or “float4” to be precise. The sampler will already do the conversion for you, so “Sample(…).x” is a value in the range of 0.0f to 1.0f. You convert this to an int, effectively turning it into a 0, which you then divide. Try to use just the return-value from the sampler, this should present you with the correct value.

If you want to slightly optimize the shader for the case of the texture only being one value, you can try declaring it's type as float:

Texture2D<float>    gDiffuseMap : register(t0);

This won't change ther rules I described above, and it's probably only a minor gain at best. You could also declare it as Texture2D<uint>, then it would return the value you originally expected, and you'd have to clip it back with the divide. However, Sample does not work on an explicit uint-type texture, you'd instead have to Load it's value from a pixel-index pair, instead of a texcoord… just don't bother for the case that you have, this is just for clarification.


@Juliean thanks for reply. I just tried change return type of sample to float4, but get a weird value almost zero:

but the input-texture has a red channel of ‘4’ in this location:

Hm, then there might be something different going on too. I'm not too familiar with the resource-bindings of DX12 myself, so there could be an issue there. But here, you could actually try to declare the texture as “Texture2D<uint>” and use Load instead of Sample, to see if it's an issue with the samplers type-conversion, or with the value that the shader receives.

To do that, first you declare the Texture as “Texture2D<uint>”. Then, for changing the Sample to Load, you need to pass Load an int3(), where the first two parameters are the pixel indices. You can get those by multiplying the texture-coordinate with the texture size (either pass it as a constant or use GetDimensions). The 3rd parameter is the mip-level, which is null. Then you should receive the value between 0 and 255, if the texture is correctly bound/read.

@Juliean thank you Juliean, using Load resolved this problem!

pixelhistory said:
@Juliean thank you Juliean, using Load resolved this problem!

Glad to hear. I think I also noticed why it wasn't working: If you want to Sample a UINT-texture, you need to declare it as UNORM, not UINT, like DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM. This will not change the internal format - you still have 8 bit per component where values are between 0 and 255, but then Sample will work and return the normalized value like I originally described. A mismatch will mean that the shader cannot sample the texture, which was happening here. You should have gottan a warning/error though - I'm not sure how it works in DX12, but you should try to enable the validation layer in case you experience more such issues.

You could leave it using Load though - the only downside is that no Sampler is used, so you will effectively always get point-sampling behaviour. Which is not a problem if you always render the texture 1:1, though if you intend to scale or stretch it, you should probably switch back to normal sampling using UNORM.
