@Aressera Yeah, it reserves them for paid members. But I got Xcode 14 yesterday . I can't figure out how to link glfw, glad, assimp, freetype packages which I installed with homebrew. Every tutorial on youtube is at least 7 years old (the most relevant to what Im looking for)
Why do MacUsers avoid Xcode? i have been using it for a few hours and already this is a huge improvement. It highlights my syntactical errors in a much less annoying way, with clear helpful info than vscode. But why does it seem like not manny people use it? Or is it that those who do(and are many are a silent majority – too busy coding to make any tutorial content.
Its wild. I almost gave up on C++ but I may have to reconsider, thanks to Xcode.
TLDR: How do I get glfw, glad, assimp, freetype packages linked so that I can render my first OpenGL triangle? Also, the relevant files for imgui and glad