
Voxel Ray Tracing in C++ tutorial

Started by May 08, 2024 03:14 PM
0 comments, last by phantomus 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi all,

I haven't been here for a while but wanted to let you know that I started a new series of articles on my blog, this time on real-time voxel ray tracing on the CPU. Nine articles are planned, three have been completed so far. Each episode starts with the same code and then introduces a ray tracing technique.

Topic list:

  1. Starting point: Voxel ray tracing template code. Lights and shadows.
  2. Whitted-style: Reflections, recursion, glass.
  3. Stochastic techniques: Anti-aliasing and soft shadows.
  4. Noise reduction: Stratification, blue noise.
  5. Converging under movement: Reprojection.
  6. Path tracing: Basics first; then: Importance Sampling.
  7. Denoising fundamentals.
  8. Acceleration structures: Extending the grid to a multi-level grid.
  9. Acceleration structures: Adding a TLAS.


Jacco, in a past life known as “The Phantom”. 🙂

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