I've had the idea for some time now, a football (soccer) manager game with a twist.
It's all played in real time.
You will have an email inbox where you will receive emails and messages in real time. Games will be played in real time.
It's not realistic playing 20 matches a day, the players would be knackered.
Training will take time, there's no continue button to skip to the next day, you need to wait for time to advance in real time.
It will still be a single player game you play on your desktop, however it will take time to master and see the outcome of your decisions.
Think along the lines of the old championship manager games but you have to wait a week to play your next match, don't worry though, there will be plenty to do in the meantime.
You need to prepare your squad through training, manage social events, maintain your stadium, manage transfers, handle sponsorship contracts etc…
Not a day will pass by where there aren't actions needing doing. Just like real life.
If you start the game mid season the game will simulate the fixtures up to that point, just as though you were taking control of a real life club mid way through the season.
If you don't log onto the game during a match day, the assistant will take control and you will see the simulated result next time you log in.
This will be my biggest project so far and will be a lot of work, but I'm trying to get used to implementing databases and CSV files into my programming, so seemed like the perfect project to do som