
I am looking for someone to work with me on a game - Video showcase of what I have so far included

Started by May 02, 2023 09:58 PM
9 comments, last by Amaligom78 1 year, 7 months ago


I am creating a game called ALTA, that I have been working on solo for around 2 years now.

The game is a team combat game, primarily in instances (battlegrounds) to promote fair team fights. There will also be a small open world map where players can fight each other. The focus of the game is on fair combat, you will never be able to get any items that make your character stronger, just visually different.

I am using a base framework called Atavism, which is an MMO engine. I am looking for someone who can edit / add to the existing code to add some new features.

For example, I currently have arena battles set up, but the only victory condition is the first team to 10 kills. I would like to add different victory conditions, for example:

  • First team to kill all the other team at the same time.
  • Capture the flag (there is some code that has been started on this, but not sure the state of it)
  • King of the hill (capturing a point on the map and the team holding it when the time runs out is the winner)

I would also like to implement a tournament like system for the arena battles, so if team A and B fight in one arena, and team C and D fight in another arena, the winning teams will move onto the next round.

I would like to implement progressive rewards for winning arenas in a row. Currently if you win an arena, there is a set reward (e.g 1 gold), but I would like that if you win 2 arenas in a row, in the second one you get 2 gold, then in the 3rd you get 4 etc.

I am looking for someone to come on board and help me progress the game further. I primarily need someone who is experienced in C# and Java.

I have a short video which shows the point that my game is at currently:

Please let me know if anyone is interested in the project.

Need music??


@remixedcat Not really. Primarily looking for a programmer.

To attract potential collaborators, it would be beneficial to provide more details about your project. You could share information about the game mechanics, specific features you are working on, and the type of assistance you require. Additionally, consider mentioning any accomplishments or milestones you have achieved so far, as it can generate interest in your project.

Providing the short video showcasing the current state of your game is a good approach. It allows potential collaborators to see your progress and get a glimpse of what the game looks like.

I encourage you to post about your project on relevant game development forums, social media platforms, or specialized game development communities. There, you can connect with individuals who have the skills you need and express their interest in joining your project.


@imkiler.frost Thanks for the tips. I have updated the post with more information.

When you say I should post on relevant game development forums, is that not what this forum is? I would be happy to take recommendations if there is somewhere more suitable to look for developers.

Coldmoon123 said:

@imkiler.frost When you say I should post on relevant game development forums, is that not what this forum is?

@coldmoon , it's possible that @imkiler.frost used a chatbot like chatGPT to create his generic response to your question. Of course this is a game development forum.

-- Tom Sloper --

Tom Sloper said:
Of course this is a game development forum.

imkiler.frost said:
I encourage you to post … on relevant game development forums

They key word here is ‘relevant’.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

@Coldmoon123 This looks interetsing. I am proficient with C# as well as a versitile programmer so I can develop with pre-existing code. I am assuming the build is within Unity Engine? DM me and becuase I would like to inquire about helping you out.

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