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As a former game dev myself I understand how tiring game dev is and I want to help game devs with that. I am willing to partner up with game devs and offer to do the entirety of the modelling and texturing work therefore enabling them to work on more projects and get more money in their pockets.
Another option is to find a nice open source game where you can contribute.
toaderman said:
Does anyone have any advice on how to start out or recommend any good courses on how to learn Unity and C#?
This depends on your goals.
If your goal is to just make something, then it doesn't really matter much, get whatever you want to dive in to your learning journey. Unity's website…
thanks for replying

Last week I mentioned context and how I work better with it. Normally for me its looking over code or a system that's already implemented in some way learning how it works and then creating my own interpretation of it - one such system is the ‘new’ Input System.
My project grew from the Third Perso…

How to make a new C++ actor and use it in blueprint!
Some Dos-and-Don'ts of creating Unreal C++ classes that can be used in the editor and blueprint.
Basic Unreal Header Tool Introduction and how to properly mark up your classes to be used with the Engine.
Unfortunately this video was recorded …

How to set up some commonly used AAA tools for C++ programmers who make games in Unreal!
(Scroll down for video)
Once you get into the industry, you will find that there are some common work flows and tools used among AAA developers at various studios. I go over some of these tools and how to set the…
@Coldmoon123 This looks interetsing. I am proficient with C# as well as a versitile programmer so I can develop with pre-existing code. I am assuming the build is within Unity Engine? DM me and becuase I would like to inquire about helping you out.