
nintendo 64 engine

Started by August 20, 2023 02:02 PM
6 comments, last by zonca 1 year, 6 months ago

hi guys im new at the community, i have a project of making an nintendo 64 game engine, i was wondering if yoy can point me to c courses that are gamedev oriented and worth the time and the money..

i saw references to gameacademy in other posts from tbis forum but their fee is 350 bucks so i want to know if its worth the money

if you have any other recommendations will also be welcome!

Have you been here?

I would recommend learncpp, isocpp and eventually cppreference for C++. Not sure about C.


For C I would borrow or buy a copy of The C Programming Language if you can. Kind of wish I never gave my copy away but hopefully someone found it useful! C++, well try SuperVGA's recommendations. I did buy (still have) The C++ Programming Language but I never finished it, I kind of picked up C++ pretty easily after using C quite a bit.


zonca said:

their fee is 350 bucks so i want to know if its worth the money

I would say a hard NO.

if you have any other recommendations will also be welcome!

The top rated post here is probably the best set of dead-tree books you will find, enough to study for several years, and getting them used is cheaper than the fee you listed.

There are many free tutorials and guides, but I haven't seen anything better than the books in that list. Either C++ Primer if you are new, or Accelerated C++ if you know the basics of programming.

The books are growing a little dated and don't include all the newer fancy features introduced to the language, but neither does the N64 toolset.

The N64 system ran from 1996-2002, so you will want to know programming skills from the same era. That's the time before the first C++ standard through just before the first update to the standard. Most of the tools of the era were C, or a version of pre-standard C++. Some of the later tools did their best to respect the standard even if they couldn't fully support it. All the c++03 standard and later changes will be too new for the real SDKs, and the more modern-approach tools will still benefit from knowing what the systems were built with in mind.

frob said:
you will want to know programming skills from the same era

That's a good catch - didn't think of that. I suppose one could still use some more modern patterns, but as for types and such, it makes sense to stick with what was used. (Unless of course there was some more modern compiler for N64 to be found somewhere)

@SuperVGA yes i have been at the n64 brew community for a while now so im kind of familiar with libultra and ive seen that i need to learn all the basic gamedev stuff before i can start dig into the system's library


thanks for replying

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