
Vulkan shadow (cube) maps

Started by April 01, 2023 07:12 PM
23 comments, last by taby 1 year, 9 months ago

taby said:

This might be helpful for beginners.

My question is: where is ktxTexture_Destroy is defined? It’s declared in ktx.h.

what file is the base project?

Yes! It is defined in ktx.h which is included in the base project: Vulkan/base at master · SaschaWillems/Vulkan (

I recommend you to download the repo and use

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 

from the command prompt to generate the VS project files automatically. Don't create your own project from scratch.

Which file? There is only a header declaration in ktx.h. The body is not defined. Missing a CPP file. which file?


Clone the repo using the command prompt in a folder of your choice (if you don't have git, install it before proceeding)

git clone --recursive​

From the command prompt, enter the Vulkan directory and type the following command (if you don't have cmake, install it before proceeding)

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 

If it gives you an error, delete CMakeCache.txt and try the following

cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"

Download and extract the following archive in the Vulkan folder (overwrite the data folder)

Open vulkanExamples.sln with Visual Studio. Enjoy!

taby said:

Which file? There is only a header declaration in ktx.h. The body is not defined. Missing a CPP file. which file?

Vulkan/texture.c at a2a604be473c829763854ffb34f7978bc0358afb · SaschaWillems/Vulkan (

OK, so I got it to compile and link using my own project, as well as using the cmake-generated project. The app however runs briefly and then exits. I'm not putting the shaders and whatnot in the right directory? The error handling is non-existent.

Yes, it appears that I'm missing the gltf files. Any idea where models/cube.gltf can be downloaded from?

P.S. I found the, and it's downloading now. Thanks for all of your help!


It's too bad that the example is so bloated with unnecessary code. :(

As a consolation I got a spotlight working, by using the code from Vulkan Cookbook ( ):

I will settle for this code, for sure!

@pam79 Have you played around with this omnidirectional shadow mapping tutorial?

I'm trying to alter the height of the light, and if I increase y, it moves down, and if I decrease y, it moves up. It's backwards. Did you fix this somehow, when you tried it out?

Why do opengl proj matrices fail in vulkan

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