
GPU ray tracing

Started by December 19, 2022 04:16 PM
33 comments, last by Vilem Otte 1 year, 8 months ago

I'm sure one can have many boxes, although I will only use two – one for the good guy's fluid, and one for all of the bad guys' fluid.

Do you have UE 5.1 installed?

P.S. I'm going through a course on the basics of UE. I highly recommend it… it's great so far:

What I don't get is why they have a difference between brushes and meshes. As far as I know, brushes can be used to do addition/subtraction, but meshes not so.

Oh, guess what… there is a Use Temperature option in the UE lighting. LOL it works exactly how you'd think it would.


I have an nvidia 3060 GPU, and it runs ok. You don't have to have a fancy card, but you will need one that's capable of ray tracing. There was some kind of emulator before, but I don't know if it's available any more.

operakala said:
I understand that ray tracing can be real-time, as in games, and, so to speak,

It's generally referred to as offline rendering when you're (pre)rendering non-real-time approach and real time/interactive rendering when rendering with immediate output once frame is finished.

operakala said:
Now, if I want to explore ray tracing, do I necessary need the RTX type graphics card? For the real-time I probably do, but what of

It… depends.

If you want to use ray tracing apis (like DirectX Ray Tracing or Vulkan Ray Tracing - both of which have their pluses and minuses, along with specific limitations) - you will need a graphics card supporting those. For that I believe you need any Radeon 6xxx series and higher or Nvidia GeForce 10xx series or newer.

If you don't want to use ray tracing apis (there are reasons not to), you can perform ray tracing on CPU or in compute programs on GPU (through any available api - Direct3D, OpenGL, Vulkan, OpenCL, CUDA would be the most known ones). For this I can point you to excellent series by Jacco Bikker -


I personally had my share of writing interactive ray tracers for quite some time - but I haven't ventured too deep into DirectX Ray Tracing or Vulkan Ray Tracing. It's still on my todo list as I'm curious how faster/slower it is compared to my solution.

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -

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