Hi everyone,
I read the fix your timestamp blog, I loved it, and I agree with it, my only issue is that if I want to use it, I will have to code something like this
template<typename T>
struct FixUpdT
: beg{}
, end{}
, cur{}
void Init()
cur = beg = end;
void Sim( float alpha )
cur = Math::Lerp( beg, end, alpha );
T beg;
T end;
T cur;
class Entity
void Update( float dt )
void Render( float dt, float alpha )
m_position.Sim( alpha );
Vector3& GetPosition() const { return m_position.end; }
Vector3& GetSimPosition() const { return m_position.cur; }
FixUpdT<Vector3> m_position;
All the entities would have to call Update and Init function (to fix this, I could have a dirty flag if position has change), also I would have to think when to use GetPosition (in update function prob) and when GetSimPosition (in render prob)
But I'm not 100% sure if this is the best way, anyone else have a comment about this, maybe I'm doing something wrong.