Hi everybody, I hope that you can push me into the right direction with the following problem / question: I am currently redesigning my resource loading architecture and I would like to be able to read assets from multiple types of storage (simple directory on SSD, compressed file containing multiple assets located in different directories within the compressed file, ..). To be able to stream assets into my engine I need some kind of seek(..) and read(position, length) functionality. This is of course trivially easy when working with standard C++ streams which read from the OS filesystem but I am now searching for a solutions how I can read compressed files and offer the same seek(..) and read(position, length) functionality without decompressing the whole file into memory (that defeats the purpose of streaming from storage). Any hints how I can achieve this or pointers to APIs for libraries who offer such a functionality would be greatly appreciated ?
PS I found vfspp (https://github.com/yevgeniy-logachev/vfspp) but unfortunately they seem to decompress the complete file into memory before seeking and reading of the file.
EDIT: clarified what vfspp is doing