
[Win64] Custom exception handling implementation - resuming from specific address

Started by May 22, 2022 04:25 PM
1 comment, last by Juliean 2 years, 8 months ago


I'm at the last hurdle for my JIT-implementation, for now. I've implemented exception-handling based on this article: x64 exception handling

I'm registering the unwind-information using RtlAddFunctionTable, specifying a “language-specific handler" that invokes the necessary cleanup-code:

EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION handleException(PEXCEPTION_RECORD exceptionRecord, ULONG64 establisherFrame, PCONTEXT contextRecord, PDISPATCHER_CONTEXT dispatcherContext)
	auto& state = *reinterpret_cast<ExecutionStateJIT*>(contextRecord->Rbx);
	// TODO: compile into handler directly
	const auto* pAddress = (const char*)dispatcherContext->ControlPc;
	const auto* pHandler = g_interpreter.GetExceptionHandlerAddress(pAddress);

	if (const auto* pResumeAddress = (JitExceptionFunction(pHandler))(state))
	// TODO: implement => doesn't work
	//	return (const char*)EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION::ExceptionContinueExecution;
		return (const char*)EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION::ExceptionContinueSearch;

Now the basic process is working, when I throw an exception:

throw AERuntimeError(sys::toA(strMessage));

Then the unwind is performed properly, and the exception is passed from my jit-code into the c++ that is calling it. However, I can't seem to find a way how to prevent the exception from being passed on. Conceptually, I have the ability to specify a “catch” block in my visual-scripting language, akin to:

catch (...) {} // do nothing

// continue

But I'm failing to understand how I would be able to implement this with the exception-handling available to me. EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION is extremely limited in its return-values. The only option that comes close is “ExceptionContinueExecution”, but this would not be the correct address (the address I actually want to resume at is returned by my own handler), and it also fails since for some reason the exception that the handler receives is marked as EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE - which I don't quite understand the difference, there's only a short remark at the end of .

I've tried to look at how the normal c++ runtimes handles this kind of situation, but it seems to invoke an entirely different routine. The stack for the exception-code above in c++ is:

vcruntime140_1d.dll!_CallSettingFrame_LookupContinuationIndex() Line 98 Unknown
vcruntime140_1d.dll!__FrameHandler4::CxxCallCatchBlock(_EXCEPTION_RECORD * pExcept) Line 1393 C++
ntdll.dll!RcConsolidateFrames?() Unknown

while the callstack for my handler ends up being:

ntdll.dll!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException?()	Unknown
ntdll.dll!RtlDispatchException()	Unknown
ntdll.dll!KiUserExceptionDispatch?()	Unknown
KernelBase.dll!RaiseException?()	Unknown
vcruntime140d.dll!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject, const _s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo) Line 75	C++

Which makes sense that its different, but not why the c++-stack does not have the _CxxThrowException at all anymore (which means that I cannot really implement a custom “jump to my address”-solution without seriously messing with the registered callstack).

So, does somebody have any experience using this exception-handling process for my specific use-case?

Ok, after browsing many more articles I found the solution here:

Its actually rather simple, you have to call RtlUnwindEx in the exception-handler, with the target-address as second argument:

if (const auto* pResumeAddress = (JitExceptionFunction(pHandler))(state))
	RtlUnwindEx((void*)establisherFrame, (void*)pResumeAddress, exceptionRecord, 0, contextRecord, nullptr);
	return EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION::ExceptionContinueSearch;

I have no idea how anyone is supposed to figure that out on their own since the official documentation for the whole process is missing such important details, but oh well.

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