refer to image … i was clicking at red position and the pick is registered at the vertical pole, where i was setting nearest point on height map to height of 256, see in green…
this is my code for picking …
if (!m_TerrainInitilized)
return false;
Vector3 mouseNear = Vector3(m_MouseX, m_MouseY, 0.0f);
Vector3 mouseFar = Vector3(m_MouseX, m_MouseY, 1.0f);
mouseNear = m_Viewport.Unproject(mouseNear, m_ProjectionMatrix, m_Camera->GetViewMatrix(), m_WorldMatrix);
mouseFar = m_Viewport.Unproject(mouseFar, m_ProjectionMatrix, m_Camera->GetViewMatrix(), m_WorldMatrix);
m_RayDirection = mouseFar - mouseNear;
m_RayOrigin = mouseNear;
return true;
this is my all black zero height , height map, where i am picking the point on map using integer cast of plane - ray intersection point and finding the index of point in map …
Plane p( Vector3(0.0f), Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
float odot = p.DotNormal(rayOrigin);
float ndot = p.DotNormal(rayDirection);
float t = -1.0f * odot / ndot;
//perpendicular to plane
if (ndot == 0.0f)
return false;
Vector3 pos = rayOrigin + t * rayDirection;
int x = pos.x;
int z = pos.z;
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > m_TerrainWidth-1 || z > m_TerrainHeight-1)
return false;
uint64_t index = (m_TerrainHeight * z) + x;
m_HeightMap[index].position.y = 256.0f;
return true;
but it is incorrect and i am not getting the exact point , where my mouse has clicked on terrain. I am using directxTK for maths and geometry wrapper.