Every time evolution is brought into discussion the ultimate reasoning in the evolutionist camp is that life is driven by the principle that among equals the fittest is set to survive and that `survival of the fittest` has nothing to do with chance
. Im an adept of the idea that
truth lies in the middle but in this post I`m in the Creationist camp.
So my question is if we are just an organized form of dead matter (rock powder organized cleverly) why would dead matter want to perpetuate it`s form of organization. The answer to that it is set this way, the dead matter is imprinted with `purpose` (the matter is imprinted to have a purpose). While I agree that a lion or a deer wants to survive we have to look where does the lion gets this desire from? The answer is that he inherited the desire from his parents. So if we trace back through the evolution chain, we reach the conclusion that the first protein ever to exist wanted to survive. Basically when the lightning bolt struck and combined carbon with the other chemicals creating as a result the first protein it imprinted the protein with the desire to survive. So chance imprinted matter with a desire to survive/purpose. To my mind that`s the equivalent of a lightning bolt burning windows 95 on a CD.
[Edit] maybe a protein can not have a desire to survive because it can not replicate itself/ divide. The first form of organization of matter with a desire to survive must have been the first structure that had the ability to divide itself without exterior intervention. Getting the matter to an organization stage where it can replicate its organization requires the intervention of exterior factors hence chance. So replace in my argument the word protein with the word `cell`.