Hello. I want to ask a specific question concerning gamma corrected textures..
When I sample a color/diffuse texture do I need to apply gamma correction (^gamma) in order to bring it into linear space? Here is where I read about this LearnOpenGL - Gamma Correction.
(I typically work with DirectX not OpenGl but I don't think there's a difference to this.)
My confusion lies in what I thought prior to reading this article:
I thought that color textures are stored in linear space on disk, so when we sampled them they were good to go to perform our math calculations on. So after we operated on them we performed the opposite gamma correction that the monitor applies ie (^1/gamma) to account for that.
What is right and wrong? Please clear up my confusion. What should I do with color textures to account for gamma correction? I hope my question is understandable, if not let me know and I'll explain further.