
Looking for Volunteer Programmers (and all devs) to join the team (MMORPG Project)

Started by July 18, 2021 12:54 AM
0 comments, last by RayNoodle 3 years, 2 months ago

Introduction & Summary
Hello! We're a small indie team revived and built from the ground up called MoyaGames. Founded in Montreal Canada, we work over discord and have members all around the world. We're looking for dedicated individuals with experience in any field within game dev who'd want to join the team, build friendships, share experiences and learn together all while sharing a common goal.

Project Type/Genre & Platform
The Project is an MMO Action RPG called Omuni Reborn which went on hiatus back in 2011-ish when it was known as Omuni Online. I started this project as a kid back then and used it as a learning experience while building a team to eventually push on into making the game a reality. Due to lack of experience back then and the technology not quite being where it is now, I put the project on hiatus until recently! I'm building the team up again from the ground up with a few returning members. We're back with more experience and tools at our disposal. With a committed team we can finally bring this game where it was always meant to be.

Initial Target Platform is Windows PC with the hopes of making a Mac and Linux build in the future.

The Idea
This is probably too long to type here so I'll try to keep it as short as possible. An MMO Action RPG with core inspiration from Runescape & Monster Hunter in terms of Skills/Questing and Combat respectively. Those aren't the only inspirations though. The game takes place after the fall and resurfacing of humanity in the distant future but society effectively restarted so it still has a medieval aesthetic with some room for more futuristic tones but subdued in a way that it's fitting and doesn't clash Medieval Fantasy and Sci-Fi. It's a classless game so you're free to play any way available at any time and there's potential for an insane amount of customizability. There is way too much to write here so I look forward to sharing the info with those of you who reach out and are interested.


Networking prototype was successful after an in-house network test, now going in to clean it up and make it as best as we can atm

Custom character controller and the start of combat has begun

Stats have started with fishing being the first in the works

WIP character creation screen that offers a lot of options. This will be expanded as we go. Here's a video for that update post:

Currently the team is about 18 people with 5 core individuals most active atm. (We are trying to keep things as stress free as possible and understand how tough the times are lately and that not everyone is able to be super active but we do try to keep thing moving forward and recently introduced sprints to our workflow

What We Are Looking For
Anyone with game dev experience. The more the better of course but we're open to people who are still learning since our team is a great place to learn while being productive. We need as many hands on deck in every field from Modeling to rigging, programming to FMOD audio engineers etc. If you have skills in any field required in game dev and are interested in joining, we want you to reach out!

If you are interested in joining, please contact me via either Discord or Email.
Discord: Ray Noodle#8256
Social links for more info/posts:


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