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3D. Any advice from experienced developers who have tackled similar projects?
So, except “experienced”, i may say, i develop pretty similar project
unlimited 3D world multiplayer game running on any platform.
My advice is to use native server (w…
How to have flexible weapon firerate in multiplayer fps game when using client side prediction
Assuming “rpm” is “rounds per minute,” then you need to take this into account in your simulation loop and asset creation.
For the sound of automatic fire, you should not re-trigger a shot effect for each r…
Neoncoloredfish said:
what else I should do now that will boost my portfolio
The Unity documentation for NetworkIdentity says that every object you want to talk about on the network, should have an identity. So it sounds like you should.
Eight-month necro. Thread locked.

Lucid Sight, Inc. Announces $2.58 Million Investment to Launch Colyseus Arena Cloud-Hosted Multiplay
Los Angeles, CA— Lucid Sight, the independent game studio behind MLB Champions, CSC with Star Trek, Herocade, Polyrunner, and several other games spanning VR, AR, and NFTs is announcing that it has raised $2.58 million to launch a cloud-hosted multiplayer service called Colyuseus Arena. Colyseus A…

Latest video is out! On this video, I talk about Area of Interest management, and how it affected the game. It's a critical feature, and for now the result is satisfying. I'd love to hear your questions or feedback.

ure the server is capable of serving thousands of concurrent connections.
And wouldn't it be great to have an app that let's us connect clients, have them do stuff, see the bandiwdth usage and so on?
So I set forth and did make an app, by reusing a console app I had previously done to stress test the…