
TF2 sourcemod looking for C++ Programmers.

Started by May 10, 2021 06:37 AM
0 comments, last by Menoly 3 years, 9 months ago

Hello everyone, I am the lead of a TeamFortress2 mod/game project called Sine Fortress, we are a bunch of hobbyists and we are currently looking for additional C++ programmers to help us out with our project as currently we have about 14 members almost entirely consisting of artists of many forms, animators, 3D modelers, texture and/or concept artists, but we are heavily lacking in the programmers department.

About the Project

SF is/will about to be (once we release), an open source Team Fortress 2 mod/game based around just adding additional content and playing with Team Fortress 2 as a game, one way we are currently doing this is by adding in two new classes, The “Scientist” and the “Rusher”. We do have plans for future content as well but we have to start somewhere.

Your role on the team

Your role on the team currently will be to help us finish up our classes and weapons, most things are half done at the moment anyways.

How to contact us.

If you are interested or want to ask me questions the easiest way to get into contact with me is to add me on discord here: Menoly#3345

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