I'm working on getting all of our companies projects building on our build server, and setting up code analysis. We are using Bamboo for the builds and SonarQube for code analysis. We have several Unity projects we want to get on there but I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to set this up. I have posted a few images below of our current Bamboo setup. It was passing before I added the 2 SonarQube steps. I have also attached an image of the error I'm getting when it fails. Any help or guidance will be much appreciated!
I have copied and pasted the line from the CLI task as it wouldn't fit into the image:
"C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.2.18f1\Editor\Unity.exe" -projectPath ${bamboo.build.working.directory} -batchmode -quit -nographics -logFile - -executeMethod "UnityEditor.SyncVS.SyncSolution" - -buildWindows64Player "${bamboo.ExecutableOutputPath}\${bamboo.ExecutableName}"