I dont understand the code below. There is a function called Transform in the code. Which is taking a VECTOR and a Quaternion. I cannto find a function equivalent to this in DirectX.
function Update( float yaw, float pitch )
// Create a quaternion that rotates about the world up
Quaternion quatYaw = CreateFromAxisAngle( Vector3(0,1,0), yaw )
// Transform the camera offset and up by this quaternion
offset = Transform( offset, quatYaw )
up = Transform( up, quatYaw )
// The forward is target.position - (target.position + offset)
// Which is just -offset
Vector3 forward = - offset
Vector3 left = CrossProduct( up, forward )
// Create quaternion that rotates about camera left
Quaternion quatPitch = CreateFromAxisAngle( left, pitch )
// Transform camera offset and up by this quaternion
offset = Transform( offset, quatPitch )
up = Transform( up, quatPitch )
// Now compute the matrix
cameraMatrix = CreateLookAt( target. position + offset ,
target. position, up )
I cannot find function in link
XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw function (directxmath.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs