Hi all,
Thanks for reading this post.
I am doing research on Dead Reckoning algorithms. But I find the number of publications to be low. To name a few of state-of-the-art algorithms in the literature: Neuro-Reckoning, Ant-Reckoning, Time Series Dead Reckoning, Path-Assisted Dead Reckoning, etc. Other sources include patents from individuals but lacking experimental results to support their design.
My question is, how do game practitioners use Dead Reckoning in the industry? As best I can search, there are also two talks in GDC Vault related to Dead Reckoning: Replicating Chaos, 8 Frames in 16 ms. They are useful information to give me a glimpse of the practice. But do you have more information, like how do large company use Dead Reckoning? Do they share their design in talks or white papers? Is it an important topic for them?
Appreciative of your efforts ?