
How do I find the projected size of a mesh?

Started by December 15, 2020 06:28 PM
3 comments, last by Key_C0de 4 years, 2 months ago

I've been browsing around gamedev website, searching for a decent way to change between mesh lod's.

I found a promising answer by eq to LOD determination - Graphics and GPU Programming - where he talks about the “projected size” of a mesh. Other answerers talk about it too.

But I can't find out how to calculate it.

It's basically the distance between the camera to an object, adjusted for the size of the object's AABB bounding box and possibly fov.

I know how to calculate aabb, fov and distance, but I do not know the relationship between them to form the projected size.

Anybody knows how to calculate it and willing to share I'd appreciate.


i assume u haven't seen Mitton's notes:

But hang on! Before u click on the link!

Remember this:

float objectArea = projectedArea( ... );

ok u can click on the link now ?


@ddlox You the best man. Thanks.


It's a little strange that he uses HLSL to calculate projected size and not C++.

You can't pick and choose different lod in hlsl, you can only deal with individuals vertx or pixels.

But I suppose he used hlsl code for demonstration.



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